Methodological Consulting

The Center for Safe and Healthy Children is dedicated to empowering behavioral, health, and social science researchers through the dissemination of advanced quantitative methodology. Services offered through the center will include workshops, online training materials and consulting services.
The Center for Safe and Healthy Children will offer online training opportunities through in-person, virtual and asynchronous workshops. These workshops will focus on providing scientists and researchers with in-depth understanding of the underlying statistical models associated with pertinent methods, and the practical considerations that arise when applying these methods to empirical data. Specific attention will be paid to model assumptions, specification, estimation and testing, and how research questions can be mapped onto tests of various model components. The overarching goal of all the center workshops is to provide attendees with the tools needed to test research hypotheses with their own data. In general, the center is software agnostic and aims to provide researchers with resources in a variety of available software packages based on their own needs.
In addition to workshops, the Center for Safe and Healthy Children will provide consultation services to guide transdisciplinary research geared towards improving the health and well-being for those exposed to early-life stress, trauma and adversity. For grants submitted through the center, consulting can take the form of grant proposal consulting, general advice about quantitative methodology and statistical analyses, sample size planning and power analyses, instrument development, and other technical services. For grants not submitted through the center services are available at no cost provided the Center for Safe and Healthy Children is written into the grant. Alternatively, services are available on-demand based on an hourly fee.
To schedule a methods consult with Zach Fisher, contact Kimberley Ducato