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Office for Faculty Affairs

HHD Office for Faculty Affairs

The Office for Faculty Affairs is dedicated to supporting the professional development and well-being of faculty members within an academic institution. Its mission encompasses fostering a vibrant and inclusive academic community, promoting excellence in teaching and research, and providing resources and support for faculty success. Through various initiatives and programs, the office aims to cultivate an environment where faculty can thrive and contribute meaningfully to the institution's educational mission.

News & Announcements

Updated Annual & Post-Tenure Review Guidelines

The College of Health & Human Development has developed updated Annual Evaluation of Faculty Performance and Post-Tenure (Five-Year Extended) Review guidelines to provide guidance across our departments and centers. These guidelines are effective immediately AY24-25.

New Faculty Affairs Resource

A new resource has been added to the Promotion and Tenure section of the Office of Faculty Affairs website. The Alternate Tenure Review Processes document provides more detailed explanations of review processes to assist units in determining the type of review with which to move forward. As noted on the form, in most cases, candidates will proceed through the standard P&T process. However, in certain circumstances, an alternate review process may be warranted.

Please note, prior to beginning any of these processes, units must obtain approval from my office.  

Updated Faculty Workload Guidelines

The College of Health & Human Development has developed updated workload guidelines to provide guidance across our departments and centers. The revised college workload guidelines, which now include separate guidelines for non-tenure line research faculty and non-tenure line teaching faculty as well as tenure-line faculty, will become effective AY25-26. 

Any questions not covered in the FAQ can be addressed to HHD Faculty Affairs

2024-2025 University Office of Faculty Affairs Workshops

The Office of Faculty Affairs is pleased to offer a workshop series on preparing for success in the promotion and tenure process. The series will provide an in-depth exploration of the promotion and tenure process for all Penn State faculty, including tenure- and non-tenure-line.

Each session will be offered live via Penn State’s Zoom platform and each session will be recorded for later viewing. Links to recordings will be posted below after each workshop session. Audience questions are highly encouraged. Registration is not required to attend.

Learn more!

Contact Our Team

If you would like to schedule a meeting with Associate Dean Nicole Webster, please email her Administrative Support Coordinator.

Promotion & Tenure Coordinator
Administrative Support Coordinator
Summary Statement

KateLynn serves as the Promotion & Tenure Coordinator for HHD. She also provides admin support for Associate Dean Webster and the Offices of Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (OFADEI).

  • Dean's Office Administrative Staff
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Summary Statement

Nicole Webster, Ph.D., is the Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Faculty Affairs in the College of Health and Human Development at Pennsylvania State University.

  • Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion