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Rebecca Skotek
Rebecca Skotek
Senior Registered Dietitian
  • Alumni Society
Additional Information

Becca is a Registered Dietitian at FORM, where she primarily counsels patients, leads support groups, and creates content for the company’s social media platforms. Active in her specialty of obesity management and bariatric surgery, Becca was a peer reviewer for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Health Professional’s Guide to Obesity and Weight Management and is a mentor for the AND’s Weight Management dietetic practice group. She enjoys presenting emerging nutrition research, most recently at the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s annual conference and the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX where she resides. She has also served as director for the ASMBS nutrition sessions since 2023. A Penn State alumna, she was honored with the 2022 Emerging Professional Alumni award and is delighted to give back to the university by serving on the HHD Alumni Board.

Becca’s love of food crosses over into her personal life. You can often find her in the kitchen recreating recipes learned from watching MasterChef, where her cat Potato is always nearby hoping to catch some snacks. Food via Acts of Service is her love language, and she feels blessed to do what she enjoys every day for work.