Previous Research Projects

Candy Study:
Exploring Alternatives to Restriction: A randomized intervention trial aimed at promoting children’s intake of candy in moderation
- National Confectioners Association
- PI: Dr. Dr. Jennifer Savage Williams, CCOR
- CO-PI: Dr. Brandi Y. Rollins, CCOR
- In the press: From the children's perspective: What are candy, snacks, and meals?
Girls’ NEEDS Project
- National Institute of Health
- PI: Dr. Leann L. Birch
- In the press: More rapid increase in BMI from age 5-15 is associated with elevated weight status at age 24 among non-Hispanic White females
- In the press: Family, friend, and media factors are associated with patterns of weight-control behavior among adolescent girls
- In the press: Eating in the absence of hunger during childhood predicts self-reported binge eating in adolescence
Green Smoothie Project
- Dr. Brandi Y. Rollins, CCOR
Project EMPOWER: Understanding the Mother-Infant Dynamic of Sleep and Stress on Energy Balance and Infant Feeding Practices during Early Infancy
- USDA Childhood Obesity Prevention Training Program
- PI: Elizabeth Adams, CCOR Ph.D. Student
- Co-I's: Drs. Jennifer Savage Williams, CCOR, Ian Paul, Hershey Medical Center, Orfeu Buxton, Biobehavioral Health, Joshua Smyth, Biobehavioral Health, Danielle Downs, Kinesiology
Dynamical Systems Modeling Study
The purpose of the Using Dynamical Systems Modeling to Understand Effects of an Individually Tailored Prenatal Weight Gain Intervention on Fetal Growth and Postnatal Obesity Risk research study is to examine the effect of the intrauterine environment on fetal growth. By using the existing Healthy Mom Zone infrastructure, prospective data collection on the fetal environment will help to clarify how the gestational weight gain intervention impacts fetal growth and development.
Facebook Project Pilot Study
The Facebook Project Pilot study examined Facebook as a platform to engage and provide nutrition education to parents of Head Start children.
Healthy Mom Zone Study
Conventional approaches to manage gestational weight gain (GWG) in overweight/ obese pregnant women (OW/OBPW) have been generally ineffective despite the critical need to control GWG for positive maternal/infant health outcomes. Control Systems Engineering for Optimizing a Prenatal Weight Gain Intervention research study uses dynamical modeling and control systems engineering to develop an individually-tailored (adaptive) behavioral intervention for managing GWG among overweight and obese pregnant women.