Selected Publications

CCOR Research has Generated 75+ Peer-Reviewed Articles in Top-Tier Journals
- Center Publications
- Na M, Eagleton S, Jomaa L, Savage JS. (2021) Head Start parents with or without food insecurity with lower food resource management skills use less positive feeding practices in preschool-age children. Nutrition.
- Leonard KS, Adams EL, Savage JS, Paul IM, Kraschnewski JL, Pattison K, Kjerulff KH, Symons Downs D. (2021) Influence of prenatal perceived stress on postpartum weight retention is mediated by high gestational weight gain in women with overweight. Clinical Obesity.
- Rollins BY, Stein W, Keller KL, Savage JS. (2021) Preschoolers will drink their GREENS! Children accept, like, and drink novel smoothies containing dark green vegetables (DGVs). Appetite.
- Harris H, Kling S, Marini M, Hassink S, Bailey-Davis L, Savage JS. (2021) Agreement in infant growth indicators and overweight/obesity between community and clinical care settings. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Ruggiero CF, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. (2021) INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention effects on child appetite and parent feeding practices through age 3 years. Appetite.
- Kling SMR, Harris HA, Cook A, Hess LB, Lutcher S, Marini ME, Mowery J, Hayward SB, Sword S, Hassink S, Franceschelli-Hosterman J, Paul IM, Seiler C, Savage JS, Bailey-Davis L. (2020) Advanced health information technologies to engage parents, clinicians, and community nutritionists to coordinate responsive parenting. JMIR Parenting and Pediatrics.
- Pauley AM, Hohman EE, Leonard KS, Guo P, McNitt KM, Rivera DE, Savage JS, Symons Downs D. (2020) Short nighttime sleep duration and high number of nighttime awakenings explain increases gestational weight gain and decreases in physical activity but not energy intake among pregnant women with overweight/obesity. Clocks and Sleep.
- Hohman EE, Savage JS, Birch LL, Paul IM. (2020) The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Tragecories (INSIGHT) The INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention for firstborns affects dietary intake of secondborn infants. Journal of Nutrition.
- Leonard KS, Pauley AM, Hohman EE, Guo P, Rivera DE, Savage JS, Buman MP, Symons Downs D. (2020) Identifying ActiGraph Non-Wear Time in Pregnant Women with Overweight or Obesity. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.
- Reigh NA, Rolls BJ, Savage JS, Johnson SL, Keller K. (2020) Development and preliminary testing of a technology-enhanced intervention to improve energy intake regulation in children. Appetite.
- Adams EL, Savage JS, Master L, Buxton OM. (2020)Time for bed! Earlier sleep onset is associated with longer night sleep duration during infancy. Sleep Medicine.
- Savage JS, Adams EL, Rollins BY, Bleser JA, Marini ME. (2020) Teaching families to manage intake of candy in the home: Results from a feasibility study using multiphase optimization strategy (MOST). Obesity Science & Practice.
- Jomaa L, Na M, Eagleton SG*, Diab El Harake M, Savage JS. (2020) Caregiver’s self-confidence in food resource management is associated with lower risk of household food insecurity among SNAP-Ed eligible Head Start families. Nutrients.
- Anzman-Frasca S, Davison KK, Fisher JO, Francis LA, Johnson SL, Lavner JA, Paul, IM, Ventura AK, Savage JS. (2020) Biography Leann L. Birch, PhD June 25, 1946 – May 26 2019. The Journal of Nutrition.
- Roy M, Haszard JJ, Savage JS, Yolton K, Beebe DW, Xu Y, Galland B, Paul IM, Mindell JA, Mihrshahai S, Wen LM, Taylor B, Richards R, Morenga LT, Taylor R. (2020) Bedtime, body mass index and obesity risk in preschool-aged children. Pediatric Obesity.
- Harris H, Anzman-Frasca S, Marini ME, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS. (2020) Effect of a responsive parenting intervention on child emotional overeating is mediated by reduced maternal use of food to soothe: The INSIGHT RCT. Pediatric Obesity.
- Adams EL, Master L, Buxton OM, Savage JS. (2020) Patterns of infant-only wake bouts and night feeds in the first 6 months of life: an exploratory study using actigraphy in mother-father-infant triads. Pediatric Obesity.
- Ruggiero CF, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. (2020)The intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) responsive parenting intervention for firstborns impacts feeding of secondborns. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- Na M, Eagleton SG, Jomaa L, Lawton KN, Savage JS. (2020) Food insecurity is associated with suboptimal sleep quality, but not sleep duration, among low-income Head Start preschool-aged children. Public Health Nutrition.
- Savage JS, Harris HA, Bleser JA*, Rollins BY. (2019) Parents’ and children’s categorization of candy are similar: A card sort protocol. Nutrients.
- Adams EL, Master L, Buxton OM, Savage JS. (2019) A longitudinal study of sleep-wake patterns during early infancy using proposed scoring guidelines for actigraphy. Sleep Medicine.
- Adams EL, Marini ME, Brick TR, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS. (2019) Ecological momentary assessment of using food to soothe during infancy in the INSIGHT trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
- Savage JS, Hohman EE, McNitt KM, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Turner T, Pauli JM, Gernand AD, Rivera DE, Symons Downs D. (2019) Uncontrolled eating during pregnancy predicts fetal growth: The Healthy Mom Zone Trial. Nutrients.
- Bailey-Davis L, Kling SM, Wood GC, Cochran WJ, Mowery JW, Savage JS, Stametz RA, Welk GJ. (2019) Feasibility of enhancing well child visits with family nutrition and physical activity risk assessment on body mass index. Obesity Science & Practice.
- Paul IM, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Shelly A, Vallotton C, Savage JS.(2019) Exploring Infant Signing to Enhance Responsive Parenting: Findings from the INSIGHT Study. Maternal & Child Nutrition.
- Adams EL, Marini ME, Leonard KS, Symons Downs D, Paul IM, Kraschnewski JL, Kjerulff KH, Savage JS. (2018) Patterns of gestational weight gain and large-for-gestational age across consecutive pregnancies. Women's Health Issues.
- Hohman EE, Balantekin KN, Birch LL, Savage JS. (2018) Dieting is associated with reduced bone mineral accrual in a longitudinal cohort of adolescent girls. BMC Public Health.
- Guo P, Rivera DE, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Savage JS, Symons Downs D. System Identification. (2018) Approaches For Energy Intake Estimation: Enhancing Interventions For Managing Gestational Weight Gain. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.
- Freigoun M, Rivera DE, Gernand AD, Pauli J, Guo P, Hohman EE, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Symons Downs D, Savage JS. (2018) A Dynamical Systems Model of Intrauterine Fetal Growth. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems.
- Pattison K, Kraschnewski JL, Lehman EB, Savage JS, Symons Downs D, Leonard KS, Adams EL, Paul IM, Kjerulff KH. (2018) Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration and Child Health Outcomes in the First Baby Study. Preventive Medicine.
- Pauley, A.M., Hohman, E.E., Savage, J.S., Rivera, D.E., Guo, P., Leonard, K.S., Symons Downs, D. (2018) Gestational Weight Gain Intervention impacts determinants of healthy eating and exercise in overweight/obese pregnant women. Journal of Obesity.
- Eagleton SG, Hohman EE, Verdiglione BS, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. (2018) INSIGHT Study Maternal Return to Work and Infant Weight Outcomes. Academic Pediatrics.
- Craig, S.J., Blankenberg, D., Parodi, A.C.L, Paul, I.M., Birch, L.L., Savage, J.S., Marini, M.E., Stokes, J.L., Nekrutenko, A., Reimherr, M., Chiaromonte, F., Makova, K.D. (2018) Child Weight Gain Trajectories Linked to Oral Microbiota Composition. Scientific Reports.
- Savage, J.S., Kling, S.M., Cook, A., Hess, L.B., Lutcher, S., Marini, M.E., Mowery, J., Hayward, S., Hassink, S., Hosterman, J.F., Paul, I.M., Seiler, C., Bailey-Davis, L. (2018) A Patient-Centered, Coordinated Care Approach Delivered by Community and Pediatric Primary Care Providers to Promote Responsive Parenting: Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial Rationale and Protocol. BMC Pediatrics.
- Paul, I.M., Savage, J.S., Anzman-Frasca, S., Marini, M.E., Beiler, J., Hess, L.B., Loken, E., Birch, L.L. (2018) Effect of a Responsive Parenting Educational Intervention on Childhood Weight Outcomes at 3 Years of Age: The INSIGHT Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics.
- Savage, J.S., Hohman, E.E., Marini, M.E., Shelly, A., Paul, I.M., Birch, L.L. (2018) INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention and infant feeding practices: randomized clinical trial. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
- Balantekin, K.N., Hohman, E.E., Adams, E.L., Marini, M.E., Ventura, A.K., Birch, L.L., Savage, J.S. (2018) More rapid increase in BMI from age 5-15 is associated with elevated weight status at age 24 among non-Hispanic White females. Eating Behaviors.
- Anzman-Frasca, S.L., Paul, I.M., Moding, K.J., Savage, J.S., Hohman, E.E., Birch, L.L. (2018)Effects of the INSIGHT Obesity Preventive Intervention on Reported and Observed Infant Temperament. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.
- Symons Downs, D., Savage, J.S., Rivera, D.E., Collins, L.M., Smyth, J., Rolls, B., Hohman, E.E., McNitt, K., Kunselman, A., Stetter, C., Pauley, A.M., Leonard, K.S., Guo, P. (2018) Individually-Tailored, Adaptive Intervention to manage gestational weight gain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Overweight and Obese Women. JMIR Research Protocols.
- Adams, E.L., Marini, M.E., Stokes, J., Birch, L.L., Paul, I.M., Savage, J.S. (2018) INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention reduces infant's screen time and television exposure. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
- Bailey-Davis,. L, Kling, S.M., Cochran, W.J., Hassink, S., Hess, L.B., Franceschelli-Hosterman, J., Lutcher, S., Marini, M.E., Mowery, J., Paul, I.M., Savage, J.S. (2018) Integrating and coordinating care between the Women, Infants, and Children Program and pediatricians to improve patient-centered preventive care for healthy growth. Translational Behavioral Medicine.
- Balantekin, K.N., Birch, L.L., Savage, J.S. (2018) Family, friend, and media factors are associated with patterns of weight-control behavior among adolescent girls. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity .
- Hohman, E.E., Savage J.S., Birch, L.L., Beiler, J.S., Paul, I.M .(2017) Pacifier Use and Early Life Weight Outcomes in the INSIGHT Study. Childhood Obesity.
- Paul, I.M., Hohman, E.E, Loken, E., Savage, J.S., Anzman-Frasca, S., Carper, P., Marini, M.E., and Birch, L.L.(2017). Mother-Infant Room-Sharing and Sleep Outcomes in the Insight Study. Pediatrics.
- Savage, J.S., Rollins, B.Y., Kugler, K. C., Birch, L.L. and Marini, M.E. (2017). Development of a Theory-Based Questionnaire to Assess Structure and Control in Parent Feeding (SCPF). International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
- Hohman, E.E., Paul, I.M., Birch L.L. and Savage, J.S. (2017). INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention is Associated with Healthier Patterns of Dietary Exposures in Infants. Obesity.
- Kugler, K.C, Balantekin, K.N., Birch, L.L., and Savage, J.S. (2016). Application of the multiphase optimization strategy to a pilot study: An empirical example targeting obesity among children of low-income mothers. BMC Public Health.
- Savage, J.S., Neshteruk, C.D., Balantekin, K.N., and Birch, L.L. (2016). Low-Income Women’s Feeding Practices and Perceptions of Dietary Guidance: A Qualitative Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal.
- Savage, J.S., Birch, L.L., Marini, M.E., Anzman-Frasca, S., & Paul, I.M. (2016)Effect of the INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention on Rapid Infant Weight Gain and Overweight Status at Age 1 Year: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics.
- Paul, I.M., Savage, J.S., Anzman-Frasca, S., Marini, M.E., Mindell, J.A., Birch, L.L. (2016) INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention and Infant Sleep. Pediatrics.
- Savage, J.S. & Birch, L.L. (2016) WIC mothers' depressive symptoms are associated with greater use of feeding to soothe, regardless of perceived child negativity. Pediatric Obesity.
- Rollins, B.Y., Savage, J.S., Fisher, J.O., & Birch, L.L. (2015) Alternatives to restrictive feeding practices to promote self-regulation in childhood: a developmental perspective. Pediatric Obesity.
- Birch, L.L., Savage, J.S., & Fisher, J.O. (2015) Right sizing prevention. Food portion size effects on children's eating and weight. Appetite.
- Balantekin, K.N., Savage, J. S., Marini, M.E., & Birch, L.L. (2014). Parental encouragement of dieting promotes daughters’ early dieting. Appetite.
- Paul, I.M., Savage-Williams, J. S., Anzman-Frasca, S., Beiler, J.S., Makova, K.D., Marini, M.E., Hess, L.B., Rzucidlo, S.E., Verdiglione, N., Mindell, J.A. & Birch, L.L. (2014). The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) study. BMC Pediatrics.
- Rollins, B. Y., Loken, E., Savage, J. S., & Birch, L.L. (2014). Effects of restriction on children’s intake differ by child temperament, food reinforcement, and parent’s chronic use of restriction. Appetite.
- Savage, J. S., Symons Downs, D., Dong, Y, Rivera, D.E. & Collins, L.C. (2014). Control systems engineering for optimizing a prenatal weight gain intervention to regulate infant birth weight. American Journal of Public Health.
- Symons Downs, D., Rauff, E. L., & Savage, J. S. (2014). Falling short of guidelines? Lacking knowledge to achieve gestational weight gain, diet, and physical activity recommendations in pregnancy. Journal of Women’s Health Care.
- Savage, J. S., Fisher, J.O., Marini, M. & Birch, L.L. (2012). Serving smaller age-appropriate entrée portions to children aged 3-5y increases fruit and vegetable intake and reduces energy density and energy intake at lunch. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
- Paul, I. M., Savage, J. S., Anzman, S. L., Beiler, J. S., Marini, M. E., Stokes, J. L., & Birch, L. L. (2011). Preventing obesity during infancy: A pilot study. Obesity (Silver Spring)
- Anzman, S. A., Birch, L. L. (2009). Low inhibitory control and restrictive feeding practices predict weight outcomes. The Journal of Pediatrics.
- INSIGHT Publications
- Ruggiero CF, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention effects on child appetite and parent feeding practices through age 3 years. Appetite. (2021).
- Hohman EE, Savage JS, Birch LL, Paul IM. The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Tragecories (INSIGHT) The INSIGHT responsive parenting intervention for firstborns affects dietary intake of secondborn infants. Journal of Nutrition. (2020).
- Harris H, Anzman-Frasca S, Marini ME, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS. Effect of a responsive parenting intervention on child emotional overeating is mediated by reduced maternal use of food to soothe: The INSIGHT RCT. Pediatric Obesity. (2020).
- Ruggiero CF, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. The intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) responsive parenting intervention for firstborns impacts feeding of secondborns. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2020).
- Adams EL, Marini ME, Brick TR, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS. Ecological momentary assessment of using food to soothe during infancy in the INSIGHT trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (2019).
- Paul IM, Hohman EE, Birch LL, Shelly A, Vallotton C, Savage JS. Exploring Infant Signing to Enhance Responsive Parenting: Findings from the INSIGHT Study. Maternal & Child Nutrition (2019).
- Pattison K, Kraschnewski JL, Lehman EB, Savage JS, Symons Downs D, Leonard KS, Adams EL, Paul IM, Kjerulff KH. Breastfeeding Initiation and Duration and Child Health Outcomes in the First Baby Study. Preventive Medicine. (2018).
- Eagleton SG, Hohman EE, Verdiglione BS, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. INSIGHT Study Maternal Return to Work and Infant Weight Outcomes. Academic Pediatrics. (2018).
- Adams EL, Marini ME, Stokes J, Birch LL, Paul IM, Savage JS. INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention Reduces Infant’s Screen Time and Television Exposure. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (2018).
- Craig SJ, Blankenberg D, Parodi ACL, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS, Marini ME, Stokes JL, Nekrutenko A, Reimherr M, Chiaromonte F, Makova KD. Child Weight Gain Trajectories Linked to Oral Microbiota Composition. Scientific Reports. (2018).
- Anzman-Frasca SL, Paul IM, Moding KJ, Savage JS, Hohman EE, Birch LL. Effects of the INSIGHT Obesity Preventive Intervention on reported and observed infant temperament. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. (2018).
- Savage JS, Hohman EE, Marini ME, Shelly A, Paul IM, Birch LL. INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention and Infant Feeding Practices: randomized clinical trial. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. (2018).
- Paul IM, Savage JS, Anzman-Frasca S, Marini ME, Beiler J, Hess LB, Loken E, Birch LL. Effect of a Responsive Parenting Educational Intervention on Childhood Weight Outcomes at 3 Years of Age: The INSIGHT Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics. (2018).
- Hohman EE, Paul IM, Birch LL, Savage JS. INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention is Associated with Healthier Patterns of Dietary Exposures in Infants. Obesity. (2017).
- Paul IM, Hohman EE, Loken E, Savage JS, Anzman-Frasca S, Carper P, Marini ME, Birch LL. Mother-Infant Room Sharing and Sleep Outcomes in the INSIGHT Study. Pediatrics. (2017).
- Hohman EE, Savage JS, Birch LL, Beiler JS, Paul IM. Pacifier Use and Early Life Weight Outcomes in the INSIGHT Study. Childhood Obesity. (2017).
- Paul IM, Savage JS, Anzman-Frasca S, Marini ME, Mindell JA, Birch LL. INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention and Infant Sleep. Pediatrics (2016).
- Savage JS, Marini ME, Anzman-Frasca S, Birch LL, Paul IM. Effect of the INSIGHT Responsive Parenting Intervention on Rapid Infant Weight Gain and Overweight Status at Age 1 Year: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics (2016).
- Paul IM, Williams JS, Anzman-Frasca S, Beiler JS, Makova KD, Marini ME, Hess LB, Rzucidlo SE, Verdiglione N, Mindell JA, Birch LL. The Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) study. BMC Pediatrics. (2014).
- Healthy Mom Zone Publications
- Savage JS, Hohman EE, McNitt KM, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Turner T, Pauli JM, Gernand AD, Rivera DE, Symons Downs D. Uncontrolled eating during pregnancy predicts fetal growth: The Healthy Mom Zone Trial. Nutrients. (2019).
- Guo P, Rivera DE, Savage JS, Hohman EE, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Symons Downs D. System Identification Approaches for Energy Intake Estimation: Enhancing Interventions for Managing Gestational Weight Gain. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. (2018).
- Freigoun M, Rivera DE, Gernand AD, Pauli J, Guo P, Hohman EE, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Symons Downs D, Savage JS. A Dynamical Systems Model of Intrauterine Fetal Growth. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems. (2018).
- Pauley AM, Hohman EE, Savage JS, Rivera DE, Guo P, Leonard KS, Symons Downs D. Gestational Weight Gain Intervention impacts determinants of healthy eating and exercise in overweight/obese pregnant women. Journal of Obesity. ( 2018)
- Symons Downs D., Savage JS, Rivera DE, Collins, LM, Smyth J, Rolls B, Hohman EE, McNitt K, Kunselman A, Stetter C, Pauley AM, Leonard KS, Guo P. Individually-Tailored, Adaptive Intervention to manage gestational weight gain: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial in Overweight and Obese Women. JMIR Research Protocols. (2018).
- Symons Downs D, Rauff EL, Savage JS. Falling Short of Guidelines? Nutrition and Weight Gain Knowledge in Pregnancy. Journal of Women’s Health Care (2014).
- Savage JS, Symons Downs D, Dong Y, Rivera DE, Collins LC. Control systems engineering for optimizing a prenatal weight gain intervention to regulate infant birth weight. American Journal of Public Health (2014).
- WEE Baby Study Publications
- Bailey-Davis L, Kling SM, Wood GC, Cochran WJ, Mowery JW, Savage JS, Stametz RA, Welk GJ. Feasibility of enhancing well child visits with family nutrition and physical activity risk assessment on body mass index. Obesity Science & Practice. (2019)
- Savage JS, Kling SM, Cook A, Hess LB, Lutcher S, Marini ME, Mowery J, Hayward S, Hassink S, Hosterman JF, Paul IM, Seiler C, Bailey-Davis L. A Patient-Centered, Coordinated Care Approach Delivered by Community and Pediatric Primary Care Providers to Promote Responsive Parenting: Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial Rationale and Protocol. BMC Pediatrics. (2018).
- Bailey-Davis L, Kling SM, Cochran WJ, Hassink S, Hess LB, Franceschelli-Hosterman J, Lutcher S, Marini ME, Mowery J, Paul IM, Savage JS. Integrating and coordinating care between the Women, Infants, and Children Program and pediatricians to improve patient-centered preventive care for healthy growth. Translational Behavioral Medicine. (2018).
- Girls' Needs Publications
- Hohman EE, Balantekin KN, Birch LL, Savage JS. Dieting is associated with reduced bone mineral accrual in a longitudinal cohort of adolescent girls. BMC Public Health. (2018)
- Balantekin KN, Hohman EE, Adams EL, Marini ME, Ventura AK, Birch LL, Savage JS. More rapid increase in BMI from age 5-15 is associated with elevated weight status at age 24 among non-Hispanic white females. Eating Behaviors. (2018)
- Balantekin KN, Birch LL, Savage JS. Family, friend, and media factors are associated with differences in patterns of weight control behavior among adolescent girls. Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. (2017)
- Coffman DL, Balantekin KN, Savage JS. Using Propensity Methods to Assess Causal Effects of Mothers’ Dieting Behavior on Daughters’ Early Dieting Behavior. Pediatric Obesity. (2016)
- Berger PK, Hohman EE, Marini ME, Savage JS, Birch LL. Girls' picky eating in childhood is associated with normal weight status from ages 5 to 15 y. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (2016)
- Balantekin KN, Birch LL, Savage JS. Eating in the Absence of Hunger during Childhood Predicts Binge Eating in Adolescence. Eating Behaviors. (2016)
- Zhu Y, Ghosh D, Coffman DL, Savage JS, Birch LL. Estimating controlled direct effects of restrictivefeeding practices in the 'Early dieting in girls' study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. (2015)
- Balantekin KN, Birch LL, Savage JS. Patterns of weight-control behavior among 15 year old girls. International Journal of Eating Disorders (2015)
- Balantekin KN, Savage JS, Marini ME, Birch LL. Parental encouragement of dieting promotes daughters’ early dieting. Appetite. (2014)
- Rollins BY, Loken E, Savage JS, Birch LL. Maternal controlling feeding practices and girls’ inhibitory control interact to predict changes in BMI and eating the absence of hunger from 5 to 7 y. American Journal of Clinical. (2014)