Dual-Title PhD Program

Clinical and Translational Sciences Dual-Title PhD Program
The Clinical and Translational Sciences Dual-Title PhD Program gives students the opportunity to tailor their graduate education for health-related careers in the laboratory, clinic, community and industry.
Offered through participating graduate programs in Penn State’s colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Health and Human Development, Medicine and Nursing, this program features more than 85 approved elective courses and eight affiliated major programs spread across two campuses. Diversity is reflected in both students and in more than 70 CTS faculty, each with a unique interest in clinical and translational science.
Integrating the requirements of the major program (Nutritional Sciences) with clinical and translational science allows students to individualize the doctoral experience by creating new research teams in academia, industry, medicine, government and the community.
Other options for training in Clinical and Translational Sciences include the Medical/Graduate Student Summer Program (TSF), funding through the Pre-doctoral Training Program (TL1), and a 15 credit certificate in translational science.
Additionally, students in our lab often complete a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. This consists of 15 credits from this department. Topics may include statistical methods, intervention theory, child development, and design of family-based interventions. You can work with your advisor and the PIC from HDFS (Lisa Gatzke-Kopp, lmk18@psu.edu) to add a minor to your degree plan.
Click here for more information on CTSI's Dual-Title Progam