Harrison Pinckney

My work is committed to the protection of souls of Black youth. I work with communities to understand how the racial identities of Black youth are shaped and the seek to understand how recreation can be leveraged to positively impact this process.
812 Donald H. Ford Building
University Park, PA 16802
Pinckney IV, H. P., Outley, C., Brown, A., & Theriault, D. (2018). Playing while black. Leisure Sciences, 40(7), 675-685.
Pinckney, H. P., Brown, A., Sène-Harper, A., & Lee, K. J. (2019). A case for Race scholarship: A research note. Journal of Leisure research, 50(4), 350-358.
Pinckney IV, H., Outley, C., Brown, A., Stone, G., & Manzano-Sánchez, H. (2020). Rights of passage programs: a culturally relevant youth development program for Black youth. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 38(3), .
Pinckney, H. P., Bryan, N., & Outley, C. (2021). Black PlayCrit: Examining the Disruption of Play for Black Male Youth. American Journal of Play, 13(2/3), 210-229.
Pinckney, H. P. (2023). Courageous conversations: Risks, Race, and recreation. Parks Stewardship Forum, 28(3), 41-46.