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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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HHD Students Abroad in Europe with HM

Global Engagement

Global Engagement refers to any experience with with a travel component or emphasis on cultural competency. This could include, but is not limited to: study abroad, alternative spring breaks, service/mission trips, global leadership programs, student organizations with a global focus, minors, and beyond. 

Study Abroad

Also referred to as "education abroad," studying abroad is an immersive experience where students take courses for academic credit in a foreign country. 

Department-Specific Opportunities

Below you will find faculty-led opportunities offered by HHD departments. Additionally, there are some programs listed that are offered outside of HHD but may be of interest to HHD students. 

Universities/Third-Party Programs with HHD Equivalent Courses

Below you will find universities or approved third-party programs for which Penn State students have transfered in HHD coursework.

Global Fellowships

The following are opportunities for funding for undergraduate and graduate global experiences. 

Other Global Opportunities