Aarti Bhat

Aarti Bhat
Graduate student
Preferred Pronouns
Summary Statement
Aarti focuses on recessionary impacts, particularly housing insecurity, among midlife and older adults; how stress around such events contributes to biological and epigenetic changes; and the biopsychosocial pathways by which recession stress is connected to those changes.
Professional Experience
Awards and honors:
- Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Psychosocial Determinants and Biological Pathways to Healthy Aging T32 Training Program, funded by NIA (2023-2025)
- Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Translational Research TL1 Training Program, funded by NCATS (2022-2023)
- Interdepartmental Graduate Student Grant (IGSG) in the College of Health and Human Development Recipient (2022-2023)
- Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Social Environments and Population Health T32 Training Program, funded by NICHD (2020-2022)
- Marjorie M. Knoll Distinguished Graduate Fellow in the College of Health and Human Development (2019-2020)
Departmental roles:
- Admissions committee student representative, HDFS Graduate Steering Committee (2022-2023)
- Co-chair, HDFS Graduate Steering Committee (2021-2022)
- Community service co-chair, HDFS Graduate Steering Committee (2020-2021)
Teaching experience through Schreyer Institute:
- Completed New Instructor Orientation
- Completed Instructional Foundations Series
- Completed Graduate Student Online Teaching Certificate
- Completed Course in College Teaching
- Bhat, A. C., Almeida, D. M., Fenelon, A., & Santos-Lozada, A. R. (2022). A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between housing insecurity and physical health among midlife and aging adults in the United States. SSM Popul Health, 18, 101128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101128
- Apsley, A. T., Lee, S. A., Bhat, A. C., Rush, J., Almeida, D. M., Cole, S. W., & Shalev, I. (2024). Affective reactivity to daily stressors and immune cell gene expression in the MIDUS study. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 115, 80-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2023.09.025