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Daniel Petrie
Daniel Petrie
Graduate student
Summary Statement

Daniel is interested in using intensive longitudinal modeling to characterize the neural circuitry that contribute to the transition from goal-directed to habitual behavior, which can provide a deeper understanding of the neurobiological etiology and dynamics of substance use.

  • Graduate Student
  • Penn State University, M.S. Human Development and Family Studies, 2020
  • University of California, Berkeley, BA Psychology, 2013
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Daniel's interests lie in the neurobiological underpinnings of decision making. More specifically, he is interested in applying intensive longitudinal modeling techniques to characterize the complex neural circuitry that contribute to the transition from goal-directed to habitual behavior, which can be used to provide a deeper understanding of the neurobiological etiology and dynamics of substance use. Additionally, he is interested in studying how neural pathways that contribute to habits may be influenced or changed by numerous factors, including development, training, or stress.