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Human Development and Family Studies
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To recognize the accomplishments of our students, the Department of Human Development and Family Studies and the College of Health and Human Development awards scholarships on the basis of academic achievement, financial need, school/community activities, leadership positions, and work experience. Students must be enrolled in the College of Health and Human Development. Some scholarships and awards require enrollment in a specific major.

Scholarships for HDFS Students

These scholarships are offered by the Department of Human Development and Family Studies.  Review the eligibility requirements and access the application form for each below.

HHD Scholarships - No Application Required for Most

All currently enrolled HHD students, currently enrolled Penn State students intending to transfer to the College, incoming freshmen, and students transferring from a college outside of the Penn State system will be automatically considered for all scholarships and awards for which they are eligible.

A small number of scholarships/awards require an application. Students who are determined to be eligible for such scholarships and awards will be contacted and encouraged to apply.

Learn more about scholarships available to students in the College of Health and Human Development.

University Scholarships and Financial Aid

Penn State awards a number of scholarships each year; there also are grants, loans, and work-study programs for those who qualify. Information on University-wide scholarships and other forms of financial aid is available on the Office of Student Aid website.

For more information, contact The Office of Student Aid.