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Human Development and Family Studies
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Intern aids a woman through the health care process.

Human Development and Family Studies is focused on applied developmental science and hands-on learning in real world environments. The department supports students’ efforts to pursue internships, identify clubs and volunteer work, and participate in other opportunities to explore career interests and build their resume.

Capstone Experience

All HDFS students select and complete a Capstone Experience. For most students, this is a full-semester internship working under the supervision of a professional in the field of their choice. The internship allows students to apply what they've learned in their course work in a professional setting. A well-designed, goal-aligned internship helps students:

  • develop important interpersonal and professional competencies,
  • gain essential work experience,
  • build their professional network, and
  • cultivate valuable professional references for work or graduate school applications.

Finding, applying to, and navigating an internship also develops job search and negotiation skills that are essential for lifelong career satisfaction.

Support for Internships from a Full-Time Internship Coordinator

HDFS has a full-time, experienced internship coordinator to support our students as they identify, apply to, and participate in hands-on learning experiences.

In surveys of graduating students, many indicate that the internship sequence, with professional support and guidance throughout, was one of their most meaningful learning experiences.

To learn more about internships in HDFS, contact the internship coordinator or the HDFS academic adviser.