Dennis G. Shea

Dennis G. Shea
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Outreach,
Professor of Health Policy and Administration
Professor of Health Policy and Administration
Office Address
104 C Henderson Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Grants and Research Projects
Economics of aging; health economics; costs and use of long-term care, mental health care, physician services and prescription drugs among older persons; health insurance and Medicare policy.
- Kemper, P., Weaver, F., Short, P., Shea, D., & Kang, H. (2008) Meeting the Need for Personal Care among the Elderly: Does Medicaid Home Care Spending Matter? Health Services Research, 42:344-362
- Shea, D., Terza, J., Stuart, B., Briesacher,B. (2007) Estimating the Effects of Prescription Drug Coverage Medicare Beneficiaries. Health Services Research, 42(3):933-949
- Son, J., Erno, A., Shea, D., Femia, E., Zarit, S. Stephens, M. (2007) The Caregiver Stress Process and Health Outcomes. Journal of Aging and Health, 19(6):871-887.
- Weech-Maldonado, R., Pringle, K., Shea, D. (2007) Long-Term Care Providers and their Perception of the External Environment: Rural versus Urban Differences. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 26(1):78-94
- Stuart B, Simoni-Wastila L, Baysac F, Shaffer T, Shea D. (2006) Coverage and Use of Prescription Drugs in Nursing Homes: Implications for the Medicare Modernization Act. MedicalCare, Mar; 44(3):243-9.
- Weech-Maldonado, R., Shea, D., Mor, V. (2006) The Relationship between Quality of Care and Costs in Nursing Homes. American Journal of Medical Quality, Jan-Feb; 21(1):40-48.
- Davey, A., Femia, E., Zarit, S., Shea, D., Sundstrom, G., Berg, S., Smyer, M., Savla, J. (2005) Life on the Edge: Patterns of Formal and Informal Help to Older Adults in the United States and Sweden. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 60:S281-S288.
- Briesacher, B., Limcangco R., Simoni-Wastila, L., Doshi, J. Levens, S., Shea, D., Stuart, B. (2005) The Quality of Antipsychotic Prescribing in Nursing Homes. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165:1280-1285.
- Stuart B, Briesacher BA, Shea D., Cooper B, Baysac FS, Limcangco MR. (2005) Riding the Rollercoaster: The Ups and Downs in Out-of-Pocket Spending Under the Standard Medicare Drug Benefit. Health Affairs, Jul-Aug; 24(4):1022-31.
- Kolanowski, A., Fick, D., Waller, J., and Shea, D. (2004) Spouses of Persons with Dementia: Their Healthcare Problems, Utilization, and Costs. Research in Nursing & Health, 27(5):296-306
- Anderson, G., Shea, D., Hussey, P.., Keyhani, S., Zephyrin, L. (2004) Doughnut Holes and Price Controls. Health Affairs, Jul-Dec 2004. 23:396-405
- Chen, L. and Shea, D., (2004) The Economics of Scale for Nursing Home Care. Medical Care Research and Review, 61(1):38-63.
- American Geriatrics Society, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. (2003) Consensus Statement on Improving the Quality of Mental Health Care in America’s Nursing Homes: Management of Depression and Behavioral Symptoms Associated with Dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(9):1287-1298
- American Geriatrics Society, American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry. (2003) Policy Supporting Quality Mental Health Care in America’s Nursing Homes, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51(9):1299-1304
- Shea, D., (2003) Mental Health Among Older Adults. In Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance. Ed. Lois A. Vitt. P. 541-544. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT.
- Shea, D., (2003) Mental Healthcare Financing. In Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance. Ed. Lois A. Vitt. P. 544-553. Greenwood Press. Westport, CT
- Shea, D., Stuart, B., Briesacher, B. (2003) Participation and Crowd-out in a Medicare Drug Benefit: Simulation Estimates. Health Care Financing Review, 25(2):47-62.
- Sambamoorthi, U., Shea, D., and Crystal, S. (2003) Total and Out-of-Pocket Expenditures for Prescription Drugs Among Older Persons. The Gerontologist, 43(2):345-359
- Shea, D., Davey, A., Femia, E.F., Zarit, S., Sundstrom, G., Berg, S., Smyer, M.A. (2003) Exploring Assistance in Sweden and the United States. The Gerontologist, 43(5):712-721.
- Crystal, S. and Shea, D. (2003) Economic Outcomes in Later Life: Public Policy, Health, and Cumulative Advantage. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Springer Publishing.
- Crystal, S. and Shea, D. (2003) Introduction: Cumulative Advantage, Public Policy, and Inequality in Later Life in Economic Outcomes in Later Life: Public Policy, Health, and Cumulative Advantage. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Springer Publishing, Volume 22, p. 1-13.
- Crystal, S. and Shea, D. (2003) Conclusion: Prospects for Retirement Resources in an Aging Society in Economic Outcomes in Later Life: Public Policy, Health, and Cumulative Advantage, Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Springer Publishing, Volume 22, p. 271-281.
- Bartels, S.J., Dums, A.R., Shea, D. (2003) Mental Health Policy and Aging. In Mental Health Services: A Public Health Perspective edited by Bruce Levin, Oxford University Press, P. 232-254.
- Short, P., Shea, D., Powell, Paige. (2003) Health Insurance for Americans Approaching Age 65: An Analysis of Options for Incremental Reform. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 28(1):41-76.
- Shea, D. (2002) Parity and Prescriptions: Policy Developments and Their Implications for Mental Health in Later Life. Generations, 26(1):83-89.
- Chen, L. and Shea, D. (2002) Does Prospective Payment Really Contain Nursing Home Costs? Health Services Research, 37(2):251-270.
- Fachin, S., Shea, D., and Vichi, M., (2002) Exploring 3D datasets: a factorial matrices analysis of the US industry in the 1980s. Applied Economics, 34:295-304.
- Dansky, K., Palmer, L., Shea, D., Bowles, K. (2001) Cost Analysis of Telehomecare. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health, 7(3):225-232.
- Short, P.F., Shea, D., and Powell, M.P. (2001) A Workable Solution For The Pre-Medicare Population. Inquiry, 38(2):214-224.
- Clark, P., Clark, D., Day, D., and Shea, D. (2001) Healthcare Reform and the Workplace Experience of Nurses: Implications for Patient Care and Union Organizing. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55(1).
- Stuart, B., Shea, D., and Briesacher, B. (2001) Dynamics in Drug Coverage of Medicare Beneficiaries: Finders, Losers, Switchers. Health Affairs, 20(2):86-99.
- Shea, D., Short, P. F., and Powell, M. P. (2001) Betwixt and Between: Targeting Coverage Reforms to Those Approaching Medicare. Health Affairs, 20(1):219-230.
- Short, P. F., Shea, D., and Powell, M. P. (2001) Health Insurance on the Way to Medicare: Is Special Government Assistance Warranted? The Commonwealth Fund, Task Force on the Future of Health Insurance, Special Report #457.
- Shea D., Smyer, M., and Russo, P. (2000) Use of Mental Health Services by Persons with a Mental Illness in Nursing Facilities: Initial Impacts of OBRA 87. Journal of Aging and Health, 12(4):589-607.
- Clark, D., Clark, P., Day, D., Shea, D. (2000) The Relationship Between Health Care Reform and Nurses' Interest in Union Representation: The Role of Workplace Climate. Journal of Professional Nursing, 16(2):92-97.
- Foreman, S. and Shea, D. (1999) Publication of Information and Market Response: The Case of Airline On Time Performance. The Review of Industrial Organization, 14:147-162.
- Davey, A., Femia, E., Shea, D., Zarit, S., Sundstrom, G., Berg, S., Smyer, M. (1999) How Many Elders Receive Assistance? Journal of Aging and Health, 11(2):199-220.
- Shea, D., Stuart, B., Vasey, J., Nag, S. (1999) Medicare Physician Referral Patterns. Health Services Research, 34(1), Part II: 331-348.
- Bartels, S., Levine, K., Shea, D. (1999) Community Based Long-Term Care for Older Persons with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness in an Era of Managed Care. Psychiatric Services, 50(9):1189-1197.
- Shea, D. (1998) Economic and Financial Issues in Mental Health and Aging. Public Policy and Aging, 9(1):7-12
- Zacker, C. and Shea, D. (1998) An Economic Evaluation of Energy-Absorbing Flooring to Prevent Hip Fractures. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 14(3):446-457.
- Dansky, K., Brannon, D., Shea, D., Vasey, J., Dirani, R. (1998) Profiles of Hospital, Physician, and Home Health Service Use by Older Persons in Rural Areas. The Gerontologist, 38:320-330.
- Castle, N. and Shea, D. (1998) The Effects of For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Facility Status on the Quality of Care for Nursing Home Residents with Mental, Research on Aging, 20(2):246-263.
- Castle, N. and Shea, D. (1997) Institutional Factors of Nursing Homes that Predict Provision of Mental Health Services, Journal of Mental Health Administration, 24(1):44-54.
- Shea, D. (1997) Review of Free for All? Lessons from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment by Joseph P. Newhouse, Harvard University Press. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, July 1997:695-696
- Castle, N. and Shea, D. (1997) Mental Health Services and the Mortality of Nursing Home Residents, Journal of Aging and Health, 9(4):498-513.
- Shea, D. (1996) Consumer Credit Moves Onto The Dance Floor. Quarterly Journal of Cost and Quality. 2(4):21-22.
- Kenkel, D., Foreman, S., and Shea, D. (1996) Information and the Cost and Quality of Bypass Surgery. Quarterly Journal of Cost and Quality, 2(2):23-29.
- Smyer, M.A. and Shea, D. (1996) Mental Health, Mental Illness and Aging. In Encyclopedia of Financial Gerontology, Lois A. Vitt and Jurg Siegenthaler (editors). Greenwood Press: New York, NY, 365-371.
- Shea, D., Hayward, M., and Miles, T. (1996) The Health-Wealth Connection: Racial Differences. The Gerontologist, 36(3):342-349.
- Kenkel, D., Foreman, S., and Shea, D. (1995) Cost and Quality Information and Health Care Market Reform. In Advances in Health Economics and Health Research, Joel Cantor (editor). Volume 15:137-153. JAI Press: Greenwich, CT.
- Shea, D. and Stewart, R. P. (1995) Health Insurance Among the Elderly: Private Purchase and Employer Provision. Health Economics, 4:315-326.
- Shea, D. and Mucha, L. (1995) Employment Trends and the Traditional Baccalaureate Health Administration Student. Journal of Health Administration Education, 13(3):401-419.
- Shea, D., Streit, A., and Smyer, M. (1994) Use of Specialist Mental Health Services by Nursing Home Residents. Health Services Research, 29(2):169-185.
- Shea, D., Stewart, R. P. (1994) Ability to Pay for Retiree Health Benefits. Inquiry, 31(2):206-214.
- Smyer, M., Shea, D., Streit, A. (1994) The Provision and Use of Mental Health Services in Nursing Homes: Findings from the National Medical Expenditure Survey. American Journal of Public Health, 84(2):284-287.
- Shea, D., Smyer, M., Streit, A. (1993) Mental Health Services for Nursing Home Residents: What Will It Cost? Journal of Mental Health Administration, 20(3):223-235.
- Shea, D. (1993) Elderly Persons and the State: Distribution Across and Within Generations. In Societal Impact on Aging Historical Perspectives, K. Werner Schaie and W. Andrew Achenbaum (editors). Springer Publishing Company: New York.
- Crystal, S., Shea, D., Krishnaswami, S. (1992) Educational Attainment, Occupational History, and Stratification: Determinants of Later-Life Economic Outcomes. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 47(5), S213-S221.
- Asch, P., Levy, D., Shea, D., and Bodenhorn, H. (1991) Risk Compensation and the Effectiveness of Safety Belt Use Laws: A Case Study of New Jersey. Policy Science, 24, 181-197.
- Crystal, S. and Shea, D. (1990) Cumulative Advantage, Cumulative Disadvantage, and Inequality among Elderly People. The Gerontologist, 30(4):437-443.
- Crystal, S., Shea, D. (1990) The Economic Well-Being of the Elderly. The Review of Income and Wealth, 36(3):227-248.
- Levy, D., Asch, P., and Shea, D. (1990) An Assessment of County Programs to Reduce Driving While Intoxicated. Health Education Research, 5(2):247-256.
- Levy, D., Asch, P., and Shea, D. (1989) Traffic Safety Effects of Sobriety Checkpoints and Other Local DWI Programs in New Jersey. American Journal of Public Health, 79(3):291-293.