Emily Dunning

Emily Dunning
Graduate student
Preferred Pronouns
Summary Statement
Emily’s research focuses on physiological and psychological outcomes following child maltreatment and mechanisms in the intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment, with a focus on leveraging findings to develop and enhance prevention and treatment programs.
Professional Experience
Department roles:
- 2023-2024 Steering Committee Social Co-Chair
- Boparai, S., Dunning, E. D., Keim, M., Galtieri, L. R., King, K., Friedman, D., Compas, B., Breiger, D., Lengua, L. J., Fainsilber Katz, L. (In press). Caregiver emotion regulation predicts psychopathology trajectories during pediatric cancer treatment. Journal of Family Psychology.
- Shenk, C. E., Olson, A. E., Dunning, E. D., Shores, K. A., Ram, N., Felt, J. F., Chimed-Ochir, U., & Fisher, Z. F. (In press). Addressing contamination bias in child maltreatment research: Innovative methods for enhancing causal estimates.