Heather McCarthy
Heather delivers SNAP-Ed approved curricula to low–income families at Head Start Child Care settings, summer feeding/recreation sites, and public housing locations in Bradford and Tioga counties.
Heather joined the CCOR staff in December of 2016. She earned her Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics and Sports Nutrition in Mansfield University of Pennsylvania in 2015. She received her Master's Degree in Nutrition from Mansfield University in June of 2017. Her role with CCOR includes delivering SNAP-Ed approved curricula to low-income families at Head Start Child Care settings, summer feeding sites, recreation sites, and pubilc housing locations in Bradford and Tioga counties, interacting and coordinating with program partbners in the community and staff at program site locations, preparing nutrition education lesson plans and educational materials, assisting with program planning, performing data entry, and assisting with study recruitment and data collection. Heather has been involved in community nutirion projects for several years and has a passion for fitness and nutrition in community settings.