Mary Jane De Souza

Mary Jane De Souza
Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology and Physiology
Summary Statement
Mary Jane De Souza specializes in the etiology of and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad, skeletal health in exercising women and athletes, reproductive endocrinology of menstrual disorders in exercising women, and RCTs of increased food intake in exercising wome
Office Address
112 Noll Laboratory
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Additional Websites
- Etiology of and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad
- Skeletal health in exercising women and athletes
- Reproductive endocrinology of menstrual disorders in exercising women
- RCTs of increased food intake in Triad-affected exercising women
- Male Athlete Triad and effects of energetic status on reproductive and bone health
- Effects of whole foods on bone health, inflammation and the gut microbiome in peri and post menopausal women
Grants and Research Projects
- The study of factors impacting the Female Athlete Triad (energy deficiency with or without disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis),
- Studies of the effects of exercise on the menstrual cycle, eating behaviors and food intake. studies on the effects of refeeding energy deficiency athletes and subsequent effects on metabolism, reproductive function and bone health outcomes.
- Examination of factors involved in the onset and exacerbation of ED behaviors in a high-risk population female collegiate athletes across a competitive season.
- The study of the effects of whole foods on bone health, inflammation and the gut microbiome in peri and post menopausal women.