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Patricia (Tish) Jennings
Research Associate, Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development
Office Address
126 Henderson South Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center

Grants and Research Projects

As a prevention scientist, to apply my knowledge of the social and emotional dynamics of educational settings to create interventions that enhance teachers’ capacity to provide a supportive and engaging social and emotional context for academic learning. This involves conducting evaluative, efficacy, effectiveness, and dissemination research to determine whether these intervention efforts are effective and sustainable in educational settings. My basic research centers on the development of wisdom, social and emotional competence, mindful awareness, and resilience across the lifespan and its relationship to healthy adaptation.

  • Levenson, M. R., Jennings, P. A., D’Mello, M., Le, T., & Aldwin, C. M. (2004). Happiness in the midst of change: A human development approach to studying Gross National Happiness (GNH) in the context of economic development. In K. Ura & K. Galay (Eds.), Gross National happiness and development. Thimphu, Bhutan: Centre for Bhutan Studies.

    Levenson, M. R., Jennings, P. A., Aldwin, C. M., & Shiraishi, R. W. (2005). Self-transcendence: conceptualization and measurement. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 60, 127-143.

    Jennings, P. A., Levenson, M. R., Aldwin, C. M., Spiro, A., & Mroczek, D. K. (2006). Combat exposure, perceptions of military service, and wisdom: Findings from the Normative Aging Study. Research on Aging: A Bimonthly on Aging and the Life Course, Special Issue: Wartime Military Service, Aging, and the Life Course, 28, 115-134.

    Jennings, P. A. (2008). Contemplative education and youth development. New Directions in Youth Development, Special Issue: Spiritual Development, 118, 101-105.

    Jennings, P. A. & Greenberg, M. (2009). The Prosocial Classroom: Teacher social and emotional competence in relation to child and classroom outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 79, 491–525.

    Jennings, P. A. (2010). Mindful education. Greater Good (online e-newsletter, University of California at Berkeley).