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Peter Bordi
Peter Bordi
Emeritus Professor of Hospitality Management
  • Emeritus
  • B.S., The Pennsylvania State University, Food Service and Housing Administration
  • A.O.S., The Culinary Institute of America, Culinary Arts
  • M.S., The Pennsylvania State University, Man Environment Relation
  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, Home Economic Education
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Office Address
124 Mateer Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

New product development

Grants and Research Projects

USDA "Farm to School"
Cancer (Prostate) study with Nutrition Department
Product development - Franco Harris


Bordi, P., Cho, Hyo Jin, MacMartin, J., (2017) Consumer Sensory Acceptance of Pre-cooked Hamburger Patties and Premium Patties: Angus and Grass-fed.  Journal of Food Quality. Vol. 6, No. 4, August 2017

MacMartin, J., Cho, Hyo Jin.,  Bordi, P, ., (2017) Consumer Sensory Acceptance of Raw Hamburger Patties cooked Grill versus Precooked Hamburger Patties Cooked in Rapid-Cook Oven.  Journal of Culinary Science and Technology.  1-11.

Cho, Hyo Jin, MacMartin, J., Bordi, P., (2016) Influence of Tasting Spots on Texture of Chicken Breast Fillets.   International Journal of Food Processing Technology.  Vol 3, 43-47.

Lee, K., Cranage, D., Bordi, P., (2016)  Restaurant’s Healthy Eating Initiatives for Children Increase Parent’s Perceptions of CSR, Empowerment, and Visit Intentions.  International Journal of Hospitality Management.  Vol 59, 60-71.

Bordi, P., Palchak, T., Verruma-Bernardi, M., Cho, C., (2015).  Adult Acceptance of Chocolate Milk Sweetened with Stevia.  Journal of Culinary Science and Technology. DOI 10.1080/15428052.2015.1102786.

Verruma-Bernardi, M., Lee, Kl, Palchak, T., Bordi, P., (2015).  Chocolate Milk Sweetened with Stevia:  Acceptance by Children.  Journal of Overweight and Obesity. 1(1):  103.

Wang, Li, Bordi, P.L., Fleming, J, Hill, A, Kris-Etherton, P (2015).  Effect of a Moderate Fat Diet With and Without Avocados on Lipoprotein Particle Number, Size and Subclasses in Overweight and Obese Adults:  A Randomized, Controlled Trial.  Journal of the American Heart Association.

Lee, K., Conklin, M., Bordi, P., Cranage, D., (2015).  Caregivers’ Reactions to Healthful Items and Nutrition Information on Children’s Menus.  Journal of Foodservice Business Research. Vol 18 (3). 

Berryman, C., West, S., Fleming, J., Bordi, P., Kris-Etherton, P., (2015).  Effects of Daily Almond Consumption on Cardio metabolic Risk and Abdominal Adiposity in Healthy Adult with Elevated LDL-Cholesterol:  A Randomized Controlled Trial.  Journal of the American heart Association.