Jonathan Dingwell, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director
Jonathan Dingwell focuses on the biomechanics, dynamics and neuromuscular control processes that govern complex adaptive human movements with a primary emphasis on improving human health.
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
- Maintaining dynamic stability during walking in young and older adults
- Virtual reality interventions to improve dynamic stability during walking
- Understanding the role of neuronal noise in movement coordination
Dr. Dingwell's research seeks to understand the biomechanics and neuromuscular control of complex adaptive human movements. His laboratory (Locomotion Laboratory) conduct both basic science and clinically relevant research on: - Maintaining dynamic stability during human locomotion - Determining how humans exploit redundancy and neuronal noise to control repetitive movements We address these questions using both experimental and modeling approaches derived primarily from the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems and statistical mechanics.
Twitter - PSU Dingwell Lab