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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Bethany Shaw
Bethany Shaw
Research Data Analyst
Summary Statement

Bethany Shaw has provided research support to CHCPR faculty and projects since 2008. She provides analytical or project management support to multiple projects, including those focused on health systems, chronic disease prevention and the opioid epidemic.

  • Health and Human Development
  • Master of Health Administration, Penn State University (2008)
Office Address
504-P Ford Building | University Park, PA 16802

Qualitative & Quantitative Data Collection

  • Supports development of semi-structured qualitative interview protocols and recruitment and interview preparation processes
  • Conducts qualitative interviews
  • Collects qualitative documentation data (program process tracking, social media tracking, etc.)
  • Manages the administration of postal mail and online surveys and coordinates with survey research firms

Data Processing, Analysis & Synthesis

  • Develops qualitative codebooks and codes data
  • Experience using multiple qualitative data analysis software including Atlas.ti, NVivo, and Dedoose Analyzes qualitative interview data, documentation data, and secondary quantitative data to inform journal articles, research summaries, and team presentations
  • Analyzes survey data using Stata including linear and logistic regressions, summary statistics, and creating graphs

Project Management & Coordination

  • Coordinates team communication, organizes team meetings, and tracks team priorities
  • Supports development of grant and contract proposal submissions
  • Establishes and refines collaborative processes and procedures to support the development of written products and other project deliverables