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Mark S. Dyreson, Ph.D.
Professor of Kinesiology, Affiliate Professor of History
Director of Research and Educational Programs for the Penn State Center for the Study of Sports in Society
Summary Statement

Mark Dyreson specializes in history of sport, social and cultural dynamics of human movement, race, ethnicity, and gender in sport.

  • Kinesiology - KINES
  • Administration
  • Graduate Faculty
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  • Ph.D., 1989, History, University of Arizona
  • M.A., 1984, United States and Latin American History, University of Arizona
  • B.S., 1981, Anthropology and History, Eastern New Mexico University
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Office Address
268S Recreation Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802

History of sport and culture in the modern world with particular emphasis on the nineteenth-century and twentieth-century United States and Latin America. My specific research concentrates on the role of sport in the creation of modern societies

  • History of sport
  • Social and cultural dynamics of human movement
  • Race, ethnicity, gender, social class, national identity, and sport
Grants and Research Projects

History of sport and culture in the modern world with particular emphasis on the late nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States. Specific research concentrates on the role of sport in the creation of modern societies. 



Mark Dyreson, Making the American Team: Sport, Culture and the Olympic Experience. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998.

Mark Dyreson, Crafting Patriotism for Global Domination: America at the Olympic Games. London: Routledge, 2009.

Mark Dyreson and Robert Trumpbour, editors. The Rise of Modern Stadiums in the United States: Cathedrals of Sport. London: Routledge, 2010.

Mark Dyreson, J.A. Mangan, and Roberta J. Park, editors. Mapping an Empire of American Sport: Expansion, Adaptation and Resistance. London, Routledge, 2013.

Mark Dyreson and Jaime Schultz, editors. American National Pastimes—A History. London: Routledge, 2015.

Wray Vamplew and Mark Dyreson, editors. Sports History: Issues, Debates and Challenges, Volume One: An Unfinished Journey. Four Volumes. London: Sage, 2016.

Scott Kretchmar, Mark Dyreson, Matthew Llewellyn, and John Gleaves. Practical History and Philosophy of Sport. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 2017.

Journal Articles

Mark Dyreson, “The Super Bowl as a Television Spectacle: Global Designs, Glocal Niches, and Parochial Patterns.” International Journal of the History of Sport 34, 1-2 (January 2017): 139-157.

Mark Dyreson, “The Republic of Consumption at the Olympic Games: Globalization, Americanization, and Californization.” Journal of Global History 8.2 (July 2013): 256-278.

Mark Dyreson, “Imperial ‘Deep Play’: Reading Sport and Visions of the Five Empires of the ‘New World,’ 1919-1941.” International Journal of the History of Sport, 28.17 (December 2011): 2415-2441.

Mark Dyreson, “‘Imperishable Sports History’? Interpreting El Ouafi in the United States and Mexico.” Journal of Sport History 36.1 (spring 2009): 19-42.

Mark Dyreson, “The Foot Runners Conquer Mexico and Texas: Endurance Racing, Indigenismo, and Nationalism.” Journal of Sport History 31.1 (spring 2004): 1-31.