Mark Feinberg

The Pennsylvania State University
State College, PA 16801
Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center
Family and community prevention; development and family relationships; biological systems, emotion regulation, coparenting, and family violence; mindfulness
Online Video and Articles
Reducing Sibling Rivalry in Youth Improves Later Health and Well-being
(PennState News, November 27, 2012)
Protective Communities May Reduce Risk of Drinking in Teens
(PennState News, January 9, 2013)
PROSPER Prevention Programs Dramatically Cut Substance Use among Teens
(PennState News, June 4, 2013)
Brothers and Sisters Learn to Build Positive Relationships in SIBS Program
Mark Feinberg to Share Ideas at Champions of Change Event in the White House
(PennState News, September 9, 2013)
Classes Reduce Pregnancy Complications for Stressed Mothers
(PennState News, June 26, 2014)
Could Parenting Coaching for Expectant Couples Deliver Healthier Babies?
(Prevention Action, November 11, 2014)
Overcoming Pregnancy Anxiety: Building Better Relationships Relieves Stress
(, December 10, 2014)
Early Parental Program Improves Long-term Childhood Outcomes
(PennState News, January 19, 2015)
Research Projects
Family-focused Prevention Projects
Family Foundations (co-parenting)
- Daily Stress Experiences, Couple Interaction, and Parenting
- Spillover of Aggression across Family Systems
- Family Foundations with Low-income Teen Parents
- Family Foundations DVD Series
Military Family Foundations
Siblings are Special
Preventing Poor Pregnancy Outcomes
Research on Biological Systems and Families
Affective Neuroscience of Parenting
Gene x Environment Interaction and Adolescent Substance Use
HPA Axis, Couples Relations, and Violence
Community Prevention
Community Epidemiology of Adolescent Substance Use
Communities That Care
Adolescent Peer Networks, Substance Use, and Intervention
(NIDA, W.T. Grant Foundation)
(Annie E. Casey Foundation)