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Peter Newman
Martin Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
Summary Statement

Peter Newman is the Martin Professor of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management with a joint faculty appointment in the Graduate Degree Program in Acoustics. Newman studies visitor management in parks and related areas.

  • Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management - RPTM
  • Administration
  • Graduate Program
  • Kurt Hahn Consortia for Values and Experiential Learning
  • Outdoor Recreation, Protected Area, and Environmental Education Research Group
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  • Ph.D. Natural Resources, University of Vermont
  • M.S. Forest Resource Management, SUNY ESF - SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY
  • B.A. Political Science, University of Rochester
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Currently Accepting Graduate Students
Office Address
801 G Donald H. Ford Building
University Park, PA 16802

Peter Newman is the Suzie and Allen Martin Professor of the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management with a joint faculty appointment in the Graduate Degree Program in Acoustics at Penn State University. He formerly served as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and as associate professor in the Department of Human Dimensions of Natural Resources for 11 years in the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University. He was appointed as department head and professor at Penn State in 2013. At Penn State, he co-leads the Protected Areas Research Collaborative (PARC) with Dr. Derrick Taff. The PARC trains MS/PhD students who focus on inforaming visitor management (soundscapes, visitor flow, integrated transportation) in the context of protected areas management. He currently has studies active in Grand Teton, Acadia, Grand Canyon, and Denali National Parks. Dr. Newman has published close to 120 peer reviewed papers, co-authored 3 books, and was the recipient of the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit National Award for 2012 and the George Wright Society National Award for Achievement in Social Sciences for 2013. Peter Newman served as a National Park Service Ranger, Environmental Educator, and Researcher in Yosemite National Park from 1994-2001. 

Grants and Research Projects
  • Visitor management to protected areas
  • Soundscape/acoustic management in parks
  • Transportation management and planning
  • Efficacy and communication of "leave no trace" principles