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Workload Guidelines for Non-Tenure Line Research Faculty


Non-tenure line research faculty members in the College of Health and Human Development (HHD) make critical contributions to the fulfillment of the college’s research mission. These college guidelines are intended to promote equity across academic units in establishing research faculty workloads. 


In this guideline, the term ‘college’ refers to the College of Health and Human Development, the term “local unit” refers to a department, school, or research center within the college, the term ‘local unit head’ refers to a department head, school director, or research center director and the term ‘faculty member’ refers to a faculty member on a non-tenure research line.


  1. The contract year for a non-tenure line research track faculty member in HHD is typically 48-weeks. 
  2. Research activity includes time spent on externally-supported research, internally-supported research, research project development, research results dissemination, and research mentoring.  Time reserved for non-research activity, including for service activities, is considered protected time.  
  3. When a faculty member is hired, and when a contract is renewed, expectations will be set around expected research activities and protected time.  These expectations can vary across faculty members.  
  4. If research faculty members are expected to take an active role in securing external salary support from extramural research projects on which they serve as investigators or principal investigators, these expectations will be set at time of hire and contract renewal.  Expectations will include the level of external salary support to be achieved and the number of years to reach that level.  Interim external salary support expectations may also be set.  The level of external salary support expected may vary according to the local unit’s needs and the context in which the faculty member is hired, i.e., expectations other than research activities. 
  5. Contracts for research faculty appointments can be one-year or multi-year. Contracts for research faculty who are expected to secure external salary support are more typically multi-year. Failure to achieve salary support expectations can be grounds for contract non-renewal, as can lack of availability of extramural funding to support salary.  
  6. Faculty members who engage in course instruction will be expected to do so either as approved additional services (eligible for supplemental II compensation) or will be granted protected time for these activities at a level consistent with workload guidelines for other non-research appointments in the local unit.
  7. Supporting and supervising student research experiences can be an important part of the research faculty role and, when performed, are expected to be integrated into research activities and will typically not come with additional protected time.  
  8. Faculty members are expected to be involved in service activities and should be provided protected time for those activities by the local unit head.  These may include service to the academic unit, college, and/or University, as well as service to the faculty member’s profession and service to society. Local unit service assignments are made annually by the local unit head, consistent with these guidelines and local unit guidelines and considering the level of the faculty member’s research responsibilities. 
  9. Faculty members who engage in high-impact and highly-time-intensive administrative, clinical, or non-course-instruction educational activities can also be provided with protected time for those activities at the discretion of the local unit head.   
