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Application Information


Eligible undergraduate students can apply for the following HDFS scholarships and awards. Those eligible for multiple awards can apply for all of them at once using this form.

Additional Materials

Please note the additional application materials for each award and be prepared to submit essays or resumes, where applicable, with this form.

To be considered for these scholarships, candidates should also have a completed FAFSA on file with the University by the 2025 deadline.


The deadline for submissions to the Quell Foundation Scholarship, Tedesco Award, D'Augelli Scholarship, Klins Scholarship, and Gamble Scholarship, including this form and any application materials emailed directly to Chantelle Wisor, is Friday, May 9, 2025. If providing your materials via email, please include your name and "HDFS Award Application Materials 2025" in the subject line.

Only completed applications will be reviewed.  If you have questions about these awards, contact Shannon Corkery.

Quell Foundation Bridge the Gap Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for students who plan to pursue a career in or related to mental health services.

Candidates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 or higher and must be returning to Penn State as a full-time student for at least one semester (fall and/or spring) for the 2025-26 academic year (this award cannot be granted to students graduating spring or summer 2025). Candidates must have a FAFSA on file by the deadline.

Application Requirements

  • Essay (no more than two pages, double-spaced), documenting the candidate's personal and professional goals and outlining the reasons they have an interest in working in the mental health field. At the end of the statement, please list the name of 1-2 HDFS instructors or faculty members who the award committee may contact as a reference, if needed.
  • Past recipients of the Quell Foundation Scholarship need to re-apply to be considered.

Suzann Andrews Tedesco Award

This award recognizes outstanding achievement by undergraduate students whose interests and actions promote service to individuals, families, and communities.

Students enrolled in HDFS are eligible to apply. Selection is based on evidence of success in areas that include academics, but also social maturity and commitment to bettering the lives of young children.

Candidates must be returning to Penn State as a full-time student for at least one semester (fall and/or spring) for the 2025-26 academic year (this award cannot be granted to students graduating spring or summer 2025). Candidates must have a FAFSA on file by the deadline.

Application Requirements

  • Essay (no more than two pages, double-spaced), documenting the candidate's personal and professional goals and outlining the reasons they have an interest in working with young children. At the end of the statement, please list the name of 1-2 HDFS instructors or faculty members who the award committee may contact as a reference, if needed.
  • Past recipients of the Tedesco Award need to re-apply to be considered.

Anthony R. D'Augelli Undergraduate Scholarship in LGBTQ Research and Service

This scholarship recognizes outstanding achievement by undergraduate students whose interests and actions promote research and/or service related to LGBTQ individuals, families and communities.

Students enrolled in HDFS as a major or minor, and are actively engaged in faculty-approved research about LGBTQ topics or are interning at an agency or non-profit organization serving the LGBTQ community are eligible to apply. Selection is based on evidence of working in an LGBTQ research lab and/or human service area.

Candidates must be returning to Penn State as a full-time student for at least one semester (fall and/or spring) for the 2025-26 academic year (this award cannot be granted to students graduating spring or summer 2025). Candidates must have a FAFSA on file by the deadline.

Application Requirements

  • Essay (no more than two pages, double-spaced), documenting the candidate's experienced with LGBTQ research and/or service and outlining the reasons that they have an interest in working in LGBTQ research or service fields. At the end of the statement, please list the names of 1-2 HDFS instructors or faculty members whom the award committee may contact as a reference if needed.
  • Past recipients of the D'Augelli Scholarship are not eligible.

Mark A. and Kathryn Snyder Klins Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for students who plan to pursue a career in or related to early childhood education or development.

Candidates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 or higher and must be returning to Penn State as a full-time student for at least one semester (fall and/or spring) for the 2025-26 academic year (this award cannot be granted to students graduating spring or summer 2025). Candidates must have a FAFSA on file by the deadline.

Application Requirements

  • Statement of interest (no more than two pages, double-spaced), documenting the candidate's personal and professional goals and outlining the reasons they have an interest in working in an early childhood related career. Include relevant coursework and experiences.

Nancy Saylor Gamble and Glenn W. Gamble Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for students whose coursework emphasizes the biological, psychological, and social development of infants and children.

Candidates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.0 or higher and must be returning to Penn State as a full-time student for at least one semester (fall and/or spring) for the 2025-26 academic year (this award cannot be granted to students graduating spring or summer 2025). Candidates must have a FAFSA on file by the deadline.

Application Requirements

  • Statement of interest (no more than two pages, double-spaced), documenting the candidate's personal and professional goals and outlining the reasons they have an interest in working with the biological, psychological, and social development of infants and children. Include relevant coursework and experiences.