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Health Policy and Administration
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At Penn State’s Department of Health Policy and Administration, our goal is to help elevate health care delivery and quality both in the United States and around the world, with a focus on addressing specific ongoing and future challenged in health economics, health management and the workforce at large.

Penn State's HPA department, with more than 50 years of experience teaching undergraduates about health care, is one of the top undergraduate programs in the nation. Our alumni - nearly 4,000 strong - are a testament to our dedication to undergraduate education in HPA.

Mission icon-olus-circle

To generate, translate, and transfer knowledge to educate current and future health care leaders, empower consumers, and improve systems of care.

Vision icon-olus-circle

To solidify our national position as a premier program in health policy and health administration as a primary source of expertise for generating, translating, and transferring knowledge that impacts health policies, organizations, and practices to improve individual care experiences and population health