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University Park classes, activities and work are canceled from 5 a.m. through noon on Thursday, Feb. 6. Only employees who perform essential services should report. More info >>

What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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About the HPA Alumni Group

The  HPA Alumni Group is an Affiliate Program Group chartered by the College of Health of Human Development.   Affiliate Program Groups (APGs) are chartered by their college or campus alumni society. APGs are similar to societies, with the exception that this connection is focusing on the promotion and development of the academic department rather than the entire college or campus. Some APG activities include networking, mentoring, and student recruitment. An Affiliate Program Group (APG) consists of alumni or friends of Penn State who have a common interest in a particular academic, professional, or extracurricular activity that is related to a specific college or campus program.

The HPA Alumni Group works closely with the department to provide meaningful opportunities for alumni to engage with one another, students, faculty, and staff. We do so by being involved in mentoring opportunities; such as the College’s Alumni Mentoring Program, student roundtables, and/or Alumni in the Classroom events. We also plan several networking opportunities for our alumni, and sometimes event student and alumni networking opportunities.

HPA Alumni Group regular meeting

Held the second Wednesday of the month, 4:30 - 5p.m. via Zoom.

To join the meeting contact

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