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Health Policy and Administration
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Graduate programs in Health Policy and Administration

Penn State’s graduate programs in Health Policy and Administration (HPA) provide a solid foundation for students who want to profoundly shape health policy, make vital future changes to global health-related organizations, and successfully navigate our increasingly complex health care environment — including managing the facilities, services, programs, staff, and budgets that providers rely on.

HPA offers two flexible graduate programs

The esteemed faculty members in both programs train graduates to meet the fast-growing demand for health care administrators that play crucial roles in today’s hospitals, health systems, and related organizations, as well as policymakers and health service researchers in government, private industry, and academia. Synergies among our diverse degree programs provide the foundation for our ever-growing curriculum, outreach programs, and a body of cutting-edge research that often receives recognition on a national stage.

Joel Segel
Research Spotlight
Bringing health care back to a rural Pennsylvania community

Clinicians in the Penn State College of Medicine teamed up with researchers in the Penn State Colleges of Health and Human Development, including Joel Segel, associate professor of health policy and administration, Agricultural Sciences and Nursing to start the LION Mobile Clinic, a mobile health clinic bringing State College’s health care services and resources to the Snow Shoe Township community.