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Health Policy and Administration
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HPA395 is a required professional internship that provides students the opportunity to apply skills and knowledge in a healthcare setting. Although students enrolled in HPA395 only pay for 3 credit hours, the University acknowledges HPA395 as a full-time equivalent course meaning you are considered a full-time student.

Internships in HPA
Learning in Health Policy and Administration goes beyond your time in the classroom.
of students were offered a full or part-time job because of their internships this summer

HPA students complete administrative internships that can give them the expertise and problem-solving skills needed to tackle some of the most challenging issues in the health care industry.

At the undergraduate level, an administrative internship is required during either a student’s junior or senior year. The administrative internship is a 10-to 12-week, full-time work experience. It provides students with an opportunity to apply their developing knowledge and skills in health services administration/management, research, or, policy. The internship experience uniquely prepares students by exposing them to other professionals in the field and to the work environment in a way that cannot be duplicated in the classroom. HPA students participate in operations, finance, human resources and marketing while enhancing their critical thinking and effective communication skills.

Internship Portal

Students are encouraged to visit the internship portal to find all necessary information including the student work plan, internship evaluation, internship manual, preceptor resources, and student resources. Password to internship database will be given during HPA 390W.