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Biobehavioral Health
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Dr. Engeland’s 1000+ sq. ft. of newly renovated laboratory space is located in Room 147 of the new (2014) Health and Human Development Building. This lab is part of the Biobehavioral Health Department, and houses two 6’ certified fume hoods, a HEPA-filtered biosafety cabinet, three -80°C ultracold freezers with external alarm system, a -20°C non-cycling freezer, an IsoTemp 2-door refrigerator, and more than adequate utilities to support its various scientific instruments (see below). A large autoclave for equipment sterilization is available across the hall, along with an ice machine, a supply of dry ice, and liquid nitrogen.





Office Space / Computers

The laboratory houses three work stations, each with a brand new Dell PC computer and dual monitors, and a networked Dell double-sided laser printer. Other dedicated work spaces of Dr. Engeland’s include a nearby office (BBH 229) and a separate human testing room (BBH 023) in the Biobehavioral Health Building, and another office in the College of Nursing (Room 302B), each of which is equipped with a Dell PC computer with dual monitors and a laser printer. 

Major Equipment

Dr. Engeland’s laboratory houses all of the equipment needed to perform ELISAs/EIAs, multiplex bead arrays, and other protein analyses. His laboratory includes a Luminex MagPix (for protein analysis via Mulitplex bead array), a BioTek Epoch spectrophotometer/plate reader, a Sorvall Legend Micro 17R refrigerated microcentrifuge, a Sorvall Legend X1R refrigerated tabletop centrifuge, a Barnstead Labline CO2 incubator, a more portable Thermo Scientific Midi-40 CO2 incubator, a BioTek 405LS microplate washer, 4 IsoTemp water baths, Accumet benchtop pH meter, Fisher Scientific high precision milligram balance, BioRad vacuum manifold, Talboys 4-plate shaker, an ultrasonic cleaner, a plate magnet, and a variety of magnetic hotplates, vortexers, shakers, mini centrifuges, single and multi-channel electronic and manual pipettes, etc. The laboratory also houses a Nikon SMZ800 stereoscopoic zoom microscope, and a QuickCam DDS intraoral camera for clinical studies. The Penn State Biomarker Core Laboratory (BCL) is just across the hall and is available for Dr. Engeland’s use should other specialized equipment be needed (e.g., Meso Scale Discovery (MSD) electrochemiluminescent reader, real-time PCR).