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Park Forest Pre-K children eating fruit
=Park Forest Pre-K children eating fruit
=PSU students stand with their pop-up grocery store displays
=SNAP-Ed Project Manager and Educational Liaison, Colleen Mortimer, discusses the food tasting of the day.
=Ellie Manca, a BBH student and SNAP-Ed Student Project Assistant, stands with her interactive apple poster at the CenClear Fall Festival.

The focus of SNAP-Ed is to educate children and their families on healthy eating and movement. We provide schools, teachers, and parents with the curriculum and the tools they need to get kids excited about new and interesting fruits and vegetables! We also create materials and activities that advocate active play, and teach kids how important it is to get out and move every single day. Another aspect of our project is leading store tours with our participating classes and their families, and showing them how to shop healthy (on a budget)!

What is SNAP?

SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net. The Food and Nutrition Service works with State agencies, nutrition educators, and neighborhood and faith-based organizations to ensure that those eligible for nutrition assistance can make informed decisions about applying for the program and can access benefits. FNS also works with State partners and the retail community to improve program administration and ensure program integrity.

Some quick facts about SNAP

  • SNAP is 100% federally funded
  • There are 1.8 million people on SNAP in PA
  • SNAP improves: high school graduation rates, future adult earnings, and future adult health for children

To help illustrate SNAP, view these evaluation reports.

Visit the SNAP-Ed Healthy Bodies Project website