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CSD at ASHA 2022

The ASHA Convention hosted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is the premier annual professional education event for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the Convention provides unparalleled opportunities to hear the latest research and gain new skills and resources to advance your career.
Faculty and students from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders regularly present at ASHA, translating research to practice.
In 2022:
- more than 60% of CSD faculty,
- more than 60% of Ph.D. students,
- more than 30% of 2nd year MS-SLP students
- and 1 undergraduate CSD student
are listed as an author on at least one ASHA presentation.
ASHA 2022 Presentations by Day and Time
NOTE: The conference is being hosted in New Orleans, LA. All times listed are local to the conference in Central Time.
- Thursday
10:00 a.m.-Noon
Talk with Penn State representatives about our MS-SLP program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
10:30 a.m.-Noon
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Telepractice in Low and Middle Income Countries: Perspectives of Speech-Language Pathologists (Poster; 8011L)
- Clinical and Research Implications for Individuals With Multiple Disabilities: A Scoping Review of AAC (Poster; 9008L)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our MS-SLP program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
2:30-3:00 p.m.
3:00-4:30 p.m.
5:00-6:30 p.m.
- Friday
9:00-10:30 a.m.
- Application of the Early Development of Emotional Competency Tool With Mexican and Mexican American Families (Poster; 8201L)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and AAC for Children With ASD: A Systematic Review (Poster; 9415L)
- Acoustic Predictors of Vowel Discrimination: The Effect of Language Background (Poster; 9445L)
10:00 a.m.-Noon
Talk with Penn State representatives about our PhD in CSD program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
11:00-11:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Language and Behavioral Profiles Per Type of AAC System for Pediatric Psychiatric Inpatients With ASD (Poster; 9460L)
- Language Profile and Individual Differences of Autistic Adults With Conversational Level Spoken Language (Poster; 9461L)
- Feasibility of a Remote Transdiagnostic Assessment Battery for School-Age Language Processing (Poster; 9505L)
1:00-2:30 p.m.
1:30-3:30 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our PhD in CSD program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
3:00-4:30 p.m.
- Supporting Access to Mental Health Services for AAC Users: A Proposed Framework and Future Directions (Poster; 9577L)
- AAC Interventions With Individuals With Autism With Significant Receptive Language Challenges: A Qualitative Study (Poster; 9581L)
4:30-5:00 p.m.
4:30-5:30 p.m.
- Saturday
9:00-10:30 a.m.
9:30-10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Texture Appreciation and Food Selection in Healthy Aging Adults: A Qualitative Study using Semi-structured Interviews (Poster; 9859L)
- Evaluation of Training for Pre-Service Professionals to Support Patient-Provider Communication for Individuals Who use AAC (Poster; 9863L)
- Virtual Library
1 Hour Seminars - Virtual
- Asynchronous, Virtual Training for Parents of Children With ASD Requiring Augmentative/Alternative Communication (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar, 2017V)
- Improving Early Literacy Skills Through Structured Literacy Approaches for Individuals Who Use AAC (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar; 2019V)
- Supporting Communication Partners to Model AAC: Development of a Mobile Training (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar; 2024V)
- Reframe Your Thinking to Get Started in Implementation: Challenges and Opportunities (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar; 2126V)
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual
- Paraeducator Teletraining to Offer Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students With CCN and CVI (Virtual Technical Research; 5515V)
- Supporting Decoding by Individuals with Cerebral Palsy, IDD, and ASD Through an AAC App Feature (Virtual Technical Research; 5517V)
Posters - Virtual
- Using the REACH Framework to Co-Treat AAC and Articulation Clients: A Case Example (Virtual Poster; 6097V)
- Reason-Based Recommendations From a Developmental Systems Approach for Students With Complex Needs (Virtual Poster; 6156V)
- Voice Acoustics, Interactive Context, and Vocal Satisfaction in Transfeminine Speakers (Virtual Poster; 6272V)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Telepractice in Low and Middle Income Countries: Perspectives of Speech-Language Pathologists (Virtual Poster; 8011V)
- Application of the Early Development of Emotional Competency Tool With Mexican and Mexican American Families (Virtual Poster; 8201V)
- Clinical and Research Implications for Individuals With Multiple Disabilities: A Scoping Review of AAC (Virtual Poster; 9008V)
- Pre-Professional Singers’ Knowledge and Use of Voice: Preliminary Results From a Qualitative Analysis (Virtual Poster; 9115V)
- Qualitative Study of Adult Women’s Perspective of their Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism (Virtual Poster; 9127V)
- Relationship Between Visual Fixation and Motor Selection to AAC Displays for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Virtual Poster; 9185V)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and AAC for Children With ASD: A Systematic Review (Virtual Poster; 9415V)
- Acoustic Predictors of Vowel Discrimination: The Effect of Language Background (Virtual Poster; 9445V)
- Language and Behavioral Profiles Per Type of AAC System for Pediatric Psychiatric Inpatients With ASD (Virtual Poster; 9460V)
- Language Profile and Individual Differences of Autistic Adults With Conversational Level Spoken Language (Virtual Poster; 9461V)
- Feasibility of a Remote Transdiagnostic Assessment Battery for School-Age Language Processing (Virtual Poster; 9505V)
- Many Microsystem Interactions: Application of Ecological Systems Theory on a Case of AAC Use (Virtual Poster; 9524V)
- Supporting Access to Mental Health Services for AAC Users: A Proposed Framework and Future Directions (Virtual Poster; 9577V)
- AAC Interventions With Individuals With Autism With Significant Receptive Language Challenges: A Qualitative Study (Virtual Poster; 9581V)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (Virtual Poster; 9810V)
- Texture Appreciation and Food Selection in Healthy Aging Adults: A Qualitative Study using Semi-structured Interviews (Virtual Poster; 9859V)
- Evaluation of Training for Pre-Service Professionals to Support Patient-Provider Communication for Individuals Who use AAC (Virtual Poster; 9863V)
ASHA 2022 Presentations by Topic Area
- Adult Swallowing: Normal and Disordered
Poster - Live
Poster - Virtual
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
1 Hour Seminars - Virtual
- Asynchronous, Virtual Training for Parents of Children With ASD Requiring Augmentative/Alternative Communication (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar, 2017V)
- Improving Early Literacy Skills Through Structured Literacy Approaches for Individuals Who Use AAC (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar; 2019V)
- Supporting Communication Partners to Model AAC: Development of a Mobile Training (Virtual 1 Hour Seminar; 2024V)
Technical Research Sessions - Live
- Comparison of Text vs. Picture Symbol AAC Systems to Maximize Outcomes for Children with ASD (Technical Research; 4511L)
- Teaming in AAC Innovation: A Model for Collaboration Between Clinical Researchers, Technology Developers, and Consumers (Technical Research; 4657L)
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual
- Paraeducator Teletraining to Offer Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students With CCN and CVI (Virtual Technical Research; 5515V)
- Supporting Decoding by Individuals with Cerebral Palsy, IDD, and ASD Through an AAC App Feature (Virtual Technical Research; 5517V)
Posters - Live
- Clinical and Research Implications for Individuals With Multiple Disabilities: A Scoping Review of AAC (Poster; 9008L)
- Relationship Between Visual Fixation and Motor Selection to AAC Displays for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Poster; 9185L)
- Many Microsystem Interactions: Application of Ecological Systems Theory on a Case of AAC Use (Poster; 9524L)
- Supporting Access to Mental Health Services for AAC Users: A Proposed Framework and Future Directions (Poster; 9577L)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (Poster; 9810L)
- Evaluation of Training for Pre-Service Professionals to Support Patient-Provider Communication for Individuals Who use AAC (Poster; 9863L)
Posters - Virtual
- Reason-Based Recommendations From a Developmental Systems Approach for Students With Complex Needs (Virtual Poster; 6156V)
- Clinical and Research Implications for Individuals With Multiple Disabilities: A Scoping Review of AAC (Virtual Poster; 9008V)
- Relationship Between Visual Fixation and Motor Selection to AAC Displays for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (Virtual Poster; 9185V)
- Many Microsystem Interactions: Application of Ecological Systems Theory on a Case of AAC Use (Virtual Poster; 9524V)
- Supporting Access to Mental Health Services for AAC Users: A Proposed Framework and Future Directions (Virtual Poster; 9577V)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (Virtual Poster; 9810V)
- Evaluation of Training for Pre-Service Professionals to Support Patient-Provider Communication for Individuals Who use AAC (Virtual Poster; 9863V)
- Autism
Posters - Live
- Qualitative Study of Adult Women’s Perspective of their Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism (Poster; 9127L)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and AAC for Children With ASD: A Systematic Review (Poster; 9415L)
- Language and Behavioral Profiles Per Type of AAC System for Pediatric Psychiatric Inpatients With ASD (Poster; 9460L)
- Language Profile and Individual Differences of Autistic Adults With Conversational Level Spoken Language (Poster; 9461L)
- AAC Interventions With Individuals With Autism With Significant Receptive Language Challenges: A Qualitative Study (Poster; 9581L)
Posters - Virtual
- Qualitative Study of Adult Women’s Perspective of their Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism (Virtual Poster; 9127V)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions and AAC for Children With ASD: A Systematic Review (Virtual Poster; 9415V)
- Language and Behavioral Profiles Per Type of AAC System for Pediatric Psychiatric Inpatients With ASD (Virtual Poster; 9460V)
- Language Profile and Individual Differences of Autistic Adults With Conversational Level Spoken Language (Virtual Poster; 9461V)
- AAC Interventions With Individuals With Autism With Significant Receptive Language Challenges: A Qualitative Study (Virtual Poster; 9581V)
- Equity and Cultural-Linguistic Diversity
Technical Research Session - Live
Poster - Live
Poster - Virtual
- Global Issues and Practices
Poster - Live
Poster - Virtual
- Motor Speech Disorders and Other Speech Sound Disorders in Adults
Technical Research Session - Live
Poster - Live
Poster - Virtual
- Voice and Upper Airway Issues
Poster - Live
Posters - Virtual