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Communication Sciences and Disorders
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completing paperwork at computer

New students to the Master of Science program in Communication Sciences and Disorders should prepare the following and bring electronic copies (scanned images are ok) with you to campus when you arrive in August. You will be expected to upload these documents into Typhon.

Clearances should be current by the beginning of the fall semester when you begin your studies. You are responsible for keeping all clearances current and up-to-date throughout your time in the program. Some clinical sites may require more frequent updates of your clearances. Some clearances have additional fees and students should budget appropriately for these costs.

Any questions about the information provided here should be directed to the staff assistant for the graduate program.

This information is intended for students accepted to the M.S. program as a two-year student.
It does NOT apply to doctoral Ph.D. students. Students admitted to the master's program who have at least two semesters of undergraduate coursework to complete prior to starting the graduate program will complete all clearances at the time they begin the graduate program.

Documentation of Observation Hours

All incoming students must have documented proof of 25 hours of clinical observation. These must have been completed with a speech language pathologist or audiologist with current ASHA certification. Supervisors' ASHA certification numbers and signatures must be included with proof of your hours.

Background Checks and Clearances

If clearances are not free of offense, you will not be permitted to enroll in clinical courses. This will impact your ability to accrue clinical hours, which are a requirement for ASHA certification.

Clearances must be current prior to starting clinic in the fall of your 2nd year. Some clearances expire after one year; if you obtain these in August, they will be current throughout each clinical semester during your 1st year of study.

Health Assessment and Certification

Professional Liability Insurance

Required Trainings

These online trainings are required by Penn State.