CSD at ASHA 2023

The ASHA Convention hosted by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association is the premier annual professional education event for speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists. Bringing together approximately 15,000 attendees, the Convention provides unparalleled opportunities to hear the latest research and gain new skills and resources to advance your career.
Faculty and students from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders regularly present at ASHA, translating research to practice.
ASHA 2023 Presentations by Day and Time
NOTE: The conference is being hosted in Boston, MA. All times listed are local to the conference.
- Thursday
10:30 a.m.-Noon
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our MS-SLP program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
12:30-2:00 p.m.
1:00-2:00 p.m.
2:00-5:30 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our MS-SLP program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
2:30-3:30 p.m.
2:30-4:00 p.m.
- Effectiveness of Asynchronous Online Trainings for Communication Partners of Individuals Using AAC: A Systematic Review (Poster; 8127L)
- Whose Turn is it Anyway? Conversational Dynamics in Interactions Involving People with Dysarthria (Poster; 8162L)
- Moving Out of the Voice Clinic: Voice Data Collection on the Go (Poster; 8178L)
4:30-5 p.m.
4:30-6:00 p.m.
- Friday
8:30-9:00 a.m.
9:00-10:30 a.m.
- SLPs Supporting Classroom Phonics Instruction with AAC Users (Poster; 8408L)
- Factors That Impact a Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism for Females: A Qualitative Study (Poster; 8411L)
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our PhD in CSD program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
10:30-11:00 a.m.
10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Antidiscrimination and Allyship for the Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Community: Scenarios and Strategies for CSD Professionals (1-Hour Seminar; 1479)
- Maximizing 30-Minutes of Literacy Through Explicit Instruction for Students with Complex Communication Needs (1-Hour Seminar; 1504)
- The Effect of In-Depth Exposure to The Lived Experience of Aphasia on Student Learning (1-Hour Seminar; 1510)
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- A Pilot Qualitative Study of Adult AAC Users’ Experiences Related to Receiving Mental Health Services (Poster; 8471L)
- Vowel-Specific Articulatory Kinematic Patterns in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Poster; 8508L)
- A Physiologically Integrated Approach to Studying Mechanisms of Speech and Swallow Function in Down Syndrome (Poster; 8510L)
1:00-2:00 p.m.
1:30-2:00 p.m.
2:00-5:00 p.m.
Talk with Penn State representatives about our PhD in CSD program at the Graduate School Fair/PhD Center.
2:30-3:30 p.m.
2:30-3:00 p.m.
- Programmatic Research Exploring Mental Health Supports for Individuals Who Use AAC (Technical Research; 4572L) *Changemaker Session
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (Technical Research; 4627L)
3:00-4:30 p.m.
- Use of AAC Devices for Measuring Semantic Development in Autistic Children (Poster; 8608L)
- Remote Monitoring of Speech Function in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Poster; 8635L)
4:00-5:00 p.m.
5:00-6:30 p.m.
- Saturday
9:00-10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Training Peers to Structure Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students with Multiple Disabilities and CVI (Poster; 8977L)
- Communication Outcomes for Essential Tremor Following SPEAK OUT!® : A Case Study (Poster; 9024L)
1:00-2:00 p.m.
- AAC and Adult Life: New Directions for AAC Research, Technology, and Instruction (1-Hour Seminar; 1927)
- AAC System Design for Individuals with CVI: An Evidence-Based Approach (1-Hour Seminar; 1928)
1:30-2:00 p.m.
3:00-3:30 p.m.
4:30-5:00 p.m.
- Virtual Library
Technical Clinical Sessions - Virtual Library
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual Library
- Celebrating Diversity, Elevating Higher Education: The Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Speech Language Pathology (Technical Research; 4707V)
- Integrating an AAC Literacy Feature into Shared Storybook Reading for Children on the Autism Spectrum (Technical Research; 4567V)
- Listening Effort and Speech Naturalness of Dysarthric Speech Produced in Interactions (Technical Research; 4549V)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention Including Visual Scene Display AAC for Children on the Autism Spectrum (Technical Research; 4664V)
- Programmatic Research Exploring Mental Health Supports for Individuals Who Use AAC (Technical Research; 4572V) *Changemaker Session
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (Technical Research; 4627V)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (Technical Research; 4571V)
- Transforming AAC Services Through Implementation and Evaluation of Online Training in Culturally Responsive Practice (Technical Research; 4569V)
Posters - Virtual Library
- A Physiologically Integrated Approach to Studying Mechanisms of Speech and Swallow Function in Down Syndrome (Poster; 8510V)
- A Pilot Qualitative Study of Adult AAC Users’ Experiences Related to Receiving Mental Health Services (Poster; 8471V)
- Collaborating with Families to Support Children with AAC Needs: A Pre-Service Clinician Online Training Module (Poster; 8669V)
- Communication Outcomes for Essential Tremor Following SPEAK OUT!® : A Case Study (Poster; 9024V)
- Development of an Evidence-Based Asynchronous Online Training for Parents of Children with ASD Using AAC (Poster; 8191V)
- Effect of AAC Technology with Dynamic Text on Single-Word Decoding: A Case Study (Poster; 8064V)
- Effect of the SO(A)R Intervention on the Communication Functions of Autistic Children Using AAC (Poster; 8909V)
- Effectiveness of Asynchronous Online Trainings for Communication Partners of Individuals Using AAC: A Systematic Review (Poster; 8127V)
- Estimates of Speech Efficiency in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers of English (Poster; 8049V)
- Factors That Impact a Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism for Females: A Qualitative Study (Poster; 8411V)
- Moving Out of the Voice Clinic: Voice Data Collection on the Go (Poster; 8178V)
- Remote Monitoring of Speech Function in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Poster; 8635V)
- SLPs Supporting Classroom Phonics Instruction with AAC Users (Poster; 8408V)
- The Concreteness Effect in Aphasia: Impact of Severity on Expressive and Receptive Language Measures (Poster; 8698V)
- Training Peers to Structure Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students with Multiple Disabilities and CVI (Poster; 8977V)
- Use of AAC Devices for Measuring Semantic Development in Autistic Children (Poster; 8608V)
- Vowel-Specific Articulatory Kinematic Patterns in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Poster; 8508V)
- Whose Turn is it Anyway? Conversational Dynamics in Interactions Involving People with Dysarthria (Poster; 8162V)
ASHA 2023 Presentations by Topic Area
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication
2 Hour Master Class - In-Person
1 Hour Seminars - In-Person
- AAC and Adult Life: New Directions for AAC Research, Technology, and Instruction (1-Hour Seminar; 1927)
- AAC System Design for Individuals with CVI: An Evidence-Based Approach (1928)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Telepractice in Low and Middle Income Countries (1548)
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Training for Caregivers on Creating VSDs Using Family Photos (1590)
- Maximizing 30-Minutes of Literacy Through Explicit Instruction for Students with Complex Communication Needs (1504)
- Theory Meets Practice: Evidence-Based Guidance and Clinic Realities of Teaching AAC Skills to Preservice SLPs (1132)
Technical Clinical Session - In-Person
Technical Clinical Session - Virtual Library
Technical Research Sessions - In-Person
- Integrating an AAC Literacy Feature into Shared Storybook Reading for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4567L)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention Including Visual Scene Display AAC for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4664L)
- Programmatic Research Exploring Mental Health Supports for Individuals Who Use AAC (4572L)
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (4627L)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (4571L)
- Transforming AAC Services Through Implementation and Evaluation of Online Training in Culturally Responsive Practice (4569L)
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual Library
- Integrating an AAC Literacy Feature into Shared Storybook Reading for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4567V)
- Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention Including Visual Scene Display AAC for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4664V)
- Programmatic Research Exploring Mental Health Supports for Individuals Who Use AAC (4572V)
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (4627V)
- The Effect of Video VSDs on Communication and Participation for Individuals with Complex Communication Needs (4571V)
- Transforming AAC Services Through Implementation and Evaluation of Online Training in Culturally Responsive Practice (4569V)
Posters - In-Person
- A Pilot Qualitative Study of Adult AAC Users' Experiences Related to Receiving Mental Health Services (8471L)
- Collaborating with Families to Support Children with AAC Needs: A Pre-Service Clinician Online Training Module (8669L)
- Development of an Evidence-Based Asynchronous Online Training for Parents of Children with ASD Using AAC (8191L)
- Effect of AAC Technology with Dynamic Text on Single-Word Decoding: A Case Study (8064L)
- Effect of SO(A)R Intervention on the Communication Functions of Autistic Children Using AAC (8909L)
- Effectiveness of Asynchronous Online Trainings for Communication Partners of Individuals Using AAC: A Systematic Review (8127L)
- SLPs Supporting Classroom Phonics Instruction with AAC Users (8408L)
- Training Peers to Structure Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students with Multiple Disabilities and CVI (8977L)
- Use of AAC Devices for Measuring Semantic Development in Autistic Children (8608L)
Posters - Virtual Library
- A Pilot Qualitative Study of Adult AAC Users' Experiences Related to Receiving Mental Health Services (8471V)
- Collaborating with Families to Support Children with AAC Needs: A Pre-Service Clinician Online Training Module (8669V)
- Development of an Evidence-Based Asynchronous Online Training for Parents of Children with ASD Using AAC (8191V)
- Effect of AAC Technology with Dynamic Text on Single-Word Decoding: A Case Study (8064V)
- Effect of SO(A)R Intervention on the Communication Functions of Autistic Children Using AAC (8909V)
- Effectiveness of Asynchronous Online Trainings for Communication Partners of Individuals Using AAC: A Systematic Review (8127V)
- SLPs Supporting Classroom Phonics Instruction with AAC Users (8408V)
- Training Peers to Structure Opportunities to Communicate Choices to Students with Multiple Disabilities and CVI (8977V)
- Use of AAC Devices for Measuring Semantic Development in Autistic Children (8608V)
- Considerations for Autistic Populations
Technical Research Session - In-Person
Technical Research Session - Virtual Library
Posters - In-Person
- Effect of SO(A)R Intervention on the Communication Functions of Autistic Children Using AAC (8909L)
- Factors That Impact a Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism for Females: A Qualitative Study (8411L)
- Use of AAC Devices for Measuring Semantic Development in Autistic Children (8608L)
Posters - Virtual Library
- Equity, Inclusion, Cultural-Linguistic Diversity
1 Hour Seminar - In-Person
Technical Research Sessions - In-Person
- Celebrating Diversity, Elevating Higher Education: The Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Speech Language Pathology (4707L)
- Transforming AAC Services Through Implementation and Evaluation of Online Training in Culturally Responsive Practice (4569L)
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual Library
- Celebrating Diversity, Elevating Higher Education: The Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Speech Language Pathology (4707V)
- Transforming AAC Services Through Implementation and Evaluation of Online Training in Culturally Responsive Practice (4569V)
Poster - In-Person
- Factors That Impact a Journey Towards a Diagnosis of Autism for Females: A Qualitative Study (8411L)
Poster - Virtual Library
- Global Issues and Practices
1 Hour Seminar - In-Person
- Language Disorders in Adults
1 Hour Seminars - In-Person
- Generalization in Aphasia Treatment: Beyond "Train and Hope!" A Tutorial for Speech-Language Pathologists (1680)
- The Effect of In-Depth Exposure to The Lived Experience of Aphasia on Student Learning (1510)
Poster - In-Person
Poster - Virtual Library
- Literacy Assessment and Intervention
2 Hour Master Class - In-Person
1 Hour Seminar - In-Person
Technical Clinical Session - In-Person
Technical Clinical Session - Virtual Library
Technical Research Sessions - In-Person
- Integrating an AAC Literacy Feature into Shared Storybook Reading for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4567L)
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (4627L)
Technical Research Sessions - Virtual Library
- Integrating an AAC Literacy Feature into Shared Storybook Reading for Children on the Autism Spectrum (4567V)
- The Effect of Hebrew Phonics Instruction on Reading Words in Students with Complex Communication Needs (4627V)
Posters - In-Person
- Effect of AAC Technology with Dynamic Text on Single-Word Decoding: A Case Study (8064L)
- SLPs Supporting Classroom Phonics Instruction with AAC Users (8408L)
Posters - Virtual Library
- Models of Academic and Clinical Education
1 Hour Seminar - In-Person
Technical Research Session - In-Person
Technical Research Session - Virtual Library
Poster - In-Person
Poster - Virtual Library
- Motor Speech Disorders Across the Lifespan
Technical Research Session - In-Person
Technical Research Session - Virtual Library
Posters - In-Person
- Remote Monitoring of Speech Function in Inviduals with Dysarthria Seconday to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (8635L)
- Vowel-Specific Articulatory Kinematic Patterns in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (8508L)
- Whose Turn is it Anyway? Conversational Dynamics in Interactions Involving People with Dysarthria (8162L)
Posters - Virtual Library
- Remote Monitoring of Speech Function in Inviduals with Dysarthria Seconday to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (8635V)
- Vowel-Specific Articulatory Kinematic Patterns in Individuals with Dysarthria Secondary to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (8508V)
- Whose Turn is it Anyway? Conversational Dynamics in Interactions Involving People with Dysarthria (8162V)
- Voice and Upper Airway Issues
1 Hour Seminar - In-Person
Posters - In-Person
- Communication Outcomes for Essential Tremor Following SPEAK OUT! ®: A Case Study (9024L)
- Moving Out of the Voice Clinic: Voice Data Collection on the Go (8178L)
Posters - Virtual Library