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Grants and Collaborations

Faculty in CSD are part of an active research community supporting the innovative and interdisciplinary mission of the department.
They are recipients of numerous prestigious grants and collaborate across Penn State and the local community to advance knowledge in communication development and challenges in speech, language, hearing, and feeding/swallowing, and to improve outcomes across the lifespan.
Our students, at both the graduate and undergraduate level, can engage with this research and learn from internationally recognized experts in the field of communication sciences and disorders. In these and other settings, CSD students not only discover whether they enjoy doing research, but also gain a better understanding of children and adults who have communication challenges.
Sponsored Projects
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Theme 6B: ALTStrong: Advancing AI Learning Technologies for Scalable Early Screening & Ability-based Intervention for Children with Speech and Language Related Concerns
- Linguistic diversity across the lifespan (LINDIV): transforming training to advance human-technology interaction
- PIRE: Translating cognitive and brain science in the laboratory and field to language learning environments
- Collaborative Research: Enhancing Speech Science Training through Collaboration: Investigating Perception of a Variable Speech Signal
- National Institutes of Health
- Improving Literacy in Children Who Use AAC
- A Physiologically Integrated Approach to Studying Mechanisms of Speech Production and Swallow Function in Down Syndrome
- Evaluating Verbal Communication in Structured Interactions: Theoretical and Clinical Implications
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)
- Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (The RERC on AAC)
- U.S. Department of Education Training Grants
- Addressing Critical Training to Improve Outcomes in Children with High-Intensity Needs
- AAC Collaboration Project at Penn State
- Penn State AAC Doctoral Leadership Project
- Veteran's Health Foundation
- Optimizing and Understanding Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Aphasia: A Randomized Controlled Comparative-Effectiveness Trial
- Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs
- Home Telemonitoring of Bulbar Function by Acoustic Measurement of Swallowing and Speech Sounds in ALS
- Parkinson Voice Project
- SPEAK OUT!® Therapy Grant Program
- Pennsylvania SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center
- Penn State Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence
- Transforming Augmentative and Alternative Communications with AI to Empower People with Complex Communication Needs
Campus and community collaborations
We strongly encourage the use of community advisors on research grants. In addition, we support a departmental research advisory group comprised of advocates and community partners in research to ensure appropriate representation in all that we do.
- Community Partners
Graduate students and faculty build local connections by providing screenings and service delivery to:
- Senior living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing facilities
- Early intervention
- Preschools and daycares
- Local school districts
- Hospitals and private practices
- Affiliated Projects and Centers
- RERC on Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Center for Language Science
- Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center
- Social Science Research Institute
- Huck Institute of the Life Sciences
- Center for Healthy Aging
- Clinical and Translational Science Institute
- Parents and Children Together (PACT)
- Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence
- National AI Institute for Exceptional Education
- Campus Collaborators
- Biobehavioral Health, College of Health and Human Development
- Bioethics, College of the Liberal Arts
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- Food Science, College of Agricultural Sciences
- Human Development and Family Studies, College of Health and Human Development
- College of Information Sciences and Technology
- Interdisciplinary Institutes
- Kinesiology, College of Health and Human Development
- School of Music, College of Arts and Architecture
- Department of Neurology, Penn State College of Medicine
- Psychology, College of the Liberal Arts
- Eberly College of Science
- School of Theatre, College of Arts and Architecture