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Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
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Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
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Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
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- Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic
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Clinic Hours and Appointments
Appointments and Referrals
Appointments can be made by calling 814-865-5414 or in person in 114 Research Unit A off Hastings Road. The Penn State Speech, Language and Hearing Clinic is a fee-for-service clinic.
New Client Forms
New clients are asked to complete a background questionnaire. Please select the appropriate form below. Completed forms should be faxed to 814-863-3759 or delivered to 114 Research Unit A, Hastings Road, University Park, PA 16802. Please do not send forms via email.
When we receive all forms, we will contact you about a specific appointment date.
The Speech, Language, and Hearing clinic office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. during Penn State fall and spring semesters. The Clinic observes University holidays and semester breaks. View the academic calendar.
Evening hours and summer appointments are available on a limited basis.
If the University is closed due to inclement weather or other emergency, the Clinic is automatically closed. If a closure occurs after the workday has started, we will attempt to notify clients of the closing. You can monitor weather and emergency notification on the PSUAlert page.
Location and Parking

We have moved to a new location in Research Center A at 743A Hastings Road on the University Park campus within State College, PA. The reception area is in 114 Research Center A. Please check in upon arrival. Clinic facilities are accessible to those with physical disabilities.
Parking is available for clients in the parking lot directly in front of Research Center A. Designated spots are labeled "Reserved Parking Speech/Hearing Permit Required". If a spot is available, please park and use your four-way flashers until you can obtain a parking permit from 114 Research Center A. The permit must be displayed on the rear-view mirror of your vehicle.
Additional pay parking is available in the Orange H lot behind the building using the ParkMobile App. Rate information.
If using GPS:
- If using GPS directions, enter "743A Hastings Road, University Park, PA 16802"
From Atherton Street (322 Business):
- Turn toward campus (onto Park Avenue) at the traffic light by The Nittany Lion Inn.
- At the fourth traffic light, turn right onto University Drive.
- At the second light, turn left onto Hastings Road.
- Make the first left into the driveway and follow it to the right.
- Parking is available for clients in the parking lot directly in front of Research Center A. Designated spots are labeled "Reserved Parking Speech/Hearing Permit Required". If a spot is available, please park and use your four-way flashers until you can obtain a parking permit from 114 Research Center A. The permit must be displayed on the rear-view mirror of your vehicle. Additional pay parking is available in the Orange H lot behind the building using the ParkMobile App. Rate information.
From I-99 via Park Avenue (traveling west on Park Ave.)
- Turn left onto University Drive.
- At the second light, turn left onto Hastings Road.
- Make the first left into the driveway and follow it to the right.
- Parking is available for clients in the parking lot directly in front of Research Center A. Designated spots are labeled "Reserved Parking Speech/Hearing Permit Required". If a spot is available, please park and use your four-way flashers until you can obtain a parking permit from 114 Research Center A. The permit must be displayed on the rear-view mirror of your vehicle. Additional pay parking is available in the Orange H lot behind the building using the ParkMobile App. Rate information.