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Biobehavioral Health
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Faculty in the Department of Biobehavioral Health conduct research across a broad range of biobehavioral domains. Six themes that frequently occur in our research are:  

Additionally, biobehavioral health faculty have expertise in many areas, including behavioral neuroscience, behavioral endocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, genetics, behavioral pharmacology, health promotion, health psychology, epidemiology, health disparities, social psychology, socio-ethical dynamics, health behavior, and cognition. Different labs may work in multiple areas listed below, but each lab is only listed once.


Addiction and Risk Behavior

friends toasting in a dark bar

Addiction and risk behavior exist at the complex intersection of biology and behavior, making this a natural topic of study for BBH Researchers. 

Researchers address a broad array of relevant topics using emergent technology and cutting edge research methods. 


Cardiometabolic Health and Obesity

three older women walking

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and cardiometabolic factors like inactivity and diet are some of the leading behavioral causes of preventable death

BBH Researchers are examining ways to promote healthier behavior and reduce obesity to promote heart health and human longevity.

Health and the Environment

arial view of forest with lakes in the shape of a map of the continents

The natural and built environment can impact human health in a wide variety of ways. 

BBH researchers study how natural factors, like the availability of drinking water, and human-driven factors, like the dangers of farm work, affect human behavior and health. 

Health Disparities and Health Equity

close up of man in breathing mask

Disparities in health outcomes occur along many different attributes: race, rurality, gender, sexual identity, and more. 

BBH Researchers are identifying health disparities and seeking ways to build a more equitable society. 

Sleep and Health

A dog sleeping on a pink blanket

Sleep exists at the intersection of behavior, biology and health. 

BBH researchers seek to answer a wide range of sleep-related questions including:

  • What causes sleep deficiency?
  • What are the consequences of sleep deficiency?
  • How do sleep and circadian rhythms affect human health?

Stress and Health

Concerned looking woman with her head on her hand

Stress can significantly affect a person's physical, mental, and emotional health.

BBH researchers study a wide range of topics related to how stress affects health and how those effects can be understood and mitigated.