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School of Hospitality Management
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The School of Hospitality Management celebrates diversity and the international aspects of its programs. The School has a permanent committee of faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and staff charged with fostering diversity and international education. Many university initiatives emphasize the importance of appreciating and understanding diversity, and this extends into the classroom. For example, case studies may be used in courses in which managers and employees or managers and guests/clients are of different cultural backgrounds. Through means such as these, students gain an understanding of how to manage interracial and inter-ethnic environments.

Students are encouraged to broaden their proficiency and familiarity with foreign cultures, and to explore opportunities for study abroad. Several international programs in the School of Hospitality Management are offered for both short and long term. Students also broaden their cultural exposure through involvement in organizations such as the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH).

Faculty and undergraduate and graduate students come from diverse cultural backgrounds and numerous nations throughout the world, including: India, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Finland, China, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, England, Ireland, Canada, and Turkey.

We believe that to succeed in the emerging global society our graduates must be aware and welcoming of people with diverse backgrounds.

The hospitality industry brings our graduates into contact with guests and clients from other cultures and nations. Therefore, we encourage a diverse perspective and we encourage an understanding and appreciation of other cultures to enhance the learning experience.