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School of Hospitality Management
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As a major in the School of Hospitality Management (SHM), you will leverage your Penn State education and a vast network of like-minded professionals to find a fulfilling career that focuses on mastering the “service experience” across a wide array of industries.

There is a seemingly endless array of positions in which your skills and knowledge will be put to great use, including:

Business: With courses in accounting, marketing, and organizational behavior, you can find a career in the business of hospitality. You may work in finance or accounting, human resources, training, or operations and shape business decisions that affect employees, guests, and your company’s bottom line.

Facility Management: You may become a leader within the hospitality industry by running a restaurant, managing a resort, overseeing food sales, or pursuing a related career path. Your training in the Hospitality Management program can help you understand the challenges that a facility faces and how to overcome them — with the goal of helping your organization develop solid plans and identify key processes that will help it run smoothly and efficiently.

Guest Relations: As a graduate of the SHM program, you may find a career in managing guest relations within a hotel, restaurant, gaming, resort, cruise line, stadium, or event-planning organization. You may oversee the development of programs or menus, work closely with staff on best practices, or manage the services offered by your organization.

Food Service: From the manufacturing sector of food service to the front lines of great meal preparation, you may be responsible for the development, creation, or delivery of food to people in restaurants, schools, or health care facilities.

Go Inside the HM Elective to learn more about careers in Hospitality Management such as Meeting and Event Management and Hospitality in Senior Living.

Inside the Elective: Undergraduate Meeting and Event Management Certificate
Inside the Elective: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ENTI) Minor
Inside the Elective: Senior Living
Inside the Elective: Gaming Initiatives

SHM Career Center

Career Services

It is never too early in your academic experience to explore all of the career services available to you, and Penn State Career Services is an excellent place to start. You can meet with a drop-in counselor any time between 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. weekdays in the Bank of America Career Services Center to discuss your concerns or to schedule an appointment with a career counselor.