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Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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HHD Staff Wellness Days

On March 21 and 22 the HHD Staff Advisory Council has scheduled a range of wellness day activities for our staff.  March 21 will bring a variety of virtual wellness sessions that staff can participate in online and on March 22 there will be both in-person and virtual with virtual meditation at 8:45am and different in-person activities occurring between 11am-2pm.  

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 

11:45AM: Mindful Moments w. Elaine Berrena, certified facilitator for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education. (15 min., Zoom) 
Take just a few minutes to stop, to breathe, and to check in with your well-being during your busy workday.

11:00AM: “Mindful Breathing—Pranayama w. Erica Kaufman from Lila Yoga (20 min., Zoom) 

12:00PM*: Uniting with Calm Clarity w. Erica Kaufman from Lila Yoga (30 min., Zoom: ) 
Uniting with Calm Clarity; (All Levels—no experience needed). This carefully designed yoga practice, melts away tensions & allows vibrant energy to circulate. Welcome Back! It’s time to awaken our body, cleanse away worries, & experience the power of calm clear strength! Lila Yoga offers a philosophy in motion—a divine play of energy. With an emphasis on prana (vital energy) within Yoga Postures and the holistic alignment of body, breath, and intentions, Lila creates a beautiful mindful flow of focused energy that calms the mind and allows the body to move with more comfort, agility and ease.
*NOTE:  This was originally schedule for 1:00 PM

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

8:45AM: Mindful Moments w. Elaine Berrenacertified facilitator for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (15 min., Zoom) 
Take just a few minutes to stop, to breathe, and to check in with your well-being during your busy workday.

11:00AM: Uniting with Calm Clarity w. Erica Kaufman from Lila Yoga- (30 min., Virtual/In-person event) -- 312 BBH Bldg. 
Uniting with Calm Clarity; (All Levels—no experience needed). This carefully designed yoga practice, melts away tensions & allows vibrant energy to circulate. Welcome Back! It’s time to awaken our body, cleanse away worries, & experience the power of calm clear strength! Lila Yoga offers a philosophy in motion—a divine play of energy. With an emphasis on prana (vital energy) within Yoga Postures and the holistic alignment of body, breath, and intentions, Lila creates a beautiful mindful flow of focused energy that calms the mind and allows the body to move with more comfort, agility and ease.

12:00PM: Loving Kindness w. Elaine Berrena, certified facilitator for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education- (30 min., In-person event) -- 312 BBH Bldg. 
Loving Kindness Practice is a way to cultivate kindness for oneself and others. It involves silently sending wishes for goodwill, kindness, and warmth towards self and others. Some people incorporate this practice with their prayer time.

1:00PM: Body Scan Practice for Awareness & Relaxation w. Sebrina Doyle Fosco, certified facilitator for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (30 min., In-person event) -- 312 BBH Bldg.
We spend most of the time in our heads thinking, planning, remembering, and so on. This practice is a simple but powerful way of getting out of your head and bringing our attention into the body instead. It comes with an invitation to become aware of the emotions and physical sensations that show up in the body especially when we are stressed, and to work with them in a way that promotes wellbeing. No previous experience necessary, no yoga pants required .

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM In-person Activity Stations w. Molly Countermine, Associate Teaching Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Elaine Berrena, certified facilitator for Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education, & HHD Staff Advisory Council- (visit at your leisure, approx. 10-20 min., each station)--311 BBH Bldg. 

  • Mindful Coloring 
  • Creative Poem Writing 
  • Sand Art