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Nutritional Sciences
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The M.S. degree requires a minimum of 30 credits of course work including 6 credits of research (NUTR 600). The M.S. degree with an emphasis in nutrition and public health includes a 4 credit field experience. The instructor for NUTR 596 credits, if taken, must be a faculty member other than the student’s thesis advisor.

Students in pursuit of the M.S. degree must prepare a research proposal for approval by their Thesis Committee, and must present a seminar prior to their defense. Please see the Recommended Schedule and Checklist for Master’s Students in the graduate handbook.

Core courses (14 credits)

  • Regulation of Nutrient Metabolism I (4 credits) – NUTR 501
  • Regulation of Nutrient Metabolism II (3 credits) – NUTR 502
  • Readings in Nutrition (2 credits) – NUTR 520, taken twice at 1 credit per offering
  • Seminar in Nutrition (1 credit) – NUTR 551
  • 500 Level Courses (4 credits) – choose from NUTR 506 (AN SC 506), 508, 511, 513, 514 (VB SC 514), 515, 532, 533, 534, 583, 597X

Supporting courses (6 credits)

  • English 418 or equivalent (3 credits) (Waivers requesting equivalent credit must be prepared by the student’s mentor and have support of the student’s Thesis Committee. Waivers must include a specific request and rationale for equivalent credit and be submitted in writing to the professor-in-charge of the GPN.)
  • Statistics (3 credits) – STAT or HD FS

Electives (5 credits) – 400 or 500 Level Courses

  • Examples include: NUTR 451, 452, 453, 456, 506, 508, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 532, 533, 534, 583, 597X or other appropriate courses in BBH, BMB, HD FS, KINES, etc.

Thesis Research

  • NUTRN 600 (minimum of 6 credits, R Grade = Satisfactory). If work is unsatisfactory, a letter grade must be given.