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  • A final examination is required of all candidates. This examination will include an oral presentation of the thesis research and an oral defense session and will be administered by the candidate’s graduate Thesis Committee. A written thesis is required of all M.S. students.
  • The oral presentation of the thesis must be announced to all faculty and students at least one week in advance, as this seminar is required to be open to the public per The Graduate School policies. Both the student and advisor/research mentor are responsible for assuring that a complete draft of the thesis is given to the committee at least two weeks before the scheduled date of the final oral examination. All members of the Thesis Committee and the student must be physically present at the final examination. A favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the Master’s Thesis Committee is required in order to pass the final examination. The thesis is not approved until changes requested by the committee have been made and approved.
  • Upon completion of the Master’s final examination, the Thesis Committee should sign and date the Completion of Thesis Form and submit this form to the administrative assistant to the GPN.