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Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
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With a rigorous academic approach, the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management Honors program delves deeply into examining the impact of recreation and tourism on ecological, economic, and cultural systems — and how they shape human development, health, and wellness on a global scale.

By leveraging flexible in-depth coursework, experiential learning, international experiences, and involvement with professional organizations, the RPTM Honors program will prepare you for pursuing an advanced degree or entering an astounding variety of careers that will make substantive contributions to the field of study and society as a whole.

Students in the Schreyer Honors College are, first and foremost, Penn State students and experience everything this great University offers.


As a student in the Schreyer Honors College, you will be empowered to make the most of your college years. There are distinct opportunities afforded to Schreyer Scholars, including academic enrichment — such as exclusive honors courses, study abroad programs, research placements, and production of an honors thesis — as well as dedicated housing, and the distinction of graduating with honors from Penn State.

Earning a degree in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management from the Schreyer Honors College will allow you to realize the fullest potential of your academic skills, creativity, determination, and innovation, opening doors to limitless graduate school and career opportunities.

RPTM Honors Thesis Guide


To learn more about the Schreyer Honors College or completing honors studies in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management, contact:

The Schreyer Honors College

Atherton Hall

(814) 863-2635