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Academic advising provides a resource for students to learn how to navigate their higher education career. Students connect with an academic adviser, either one-on-one or in small group sessions, to explore the value of general education courses, review the services and policies of the Penn State, discuss educational and career plans, and make appropriate course selections.
RPTM is a unit in the College of Health and Human Development. Most HHD students are admitted in pre-major status until they have completed more than 29 credits and have earned a minimum CGPA of 2.0. HHD Students are usually in pre-major status for the first year of enrollment and are advised in the CSAE.
- RPTM Academic Advising
RPTM students in the Commercial Recreation and Tourism Management (CRTM) option, the Community Recreation Management (CMRMG) option, and the Outdoor Recreation (OUTRC) option are advised by the professional academic advisor in the department as soon as they enter the major.
The fourth option in the major is PGA Golf Management.
- PGA Golf Management Advising
The PGA Golf Management option is a direct admit option. PGA Golf Management students skip the pre-major step because of the structure of the program. PGA Golf Management students go through NSO like all new admissions but after that they are advised in the department by PGA Golf Management faculty advisors. This keeps them on track to meet the requirements to meet the PGA certification at graduation.
I would not be where I am today if it were not for the immense support of my advisers. As a senior, I can really appreciate all of the support my advisers have given throughout my years here in RPTM. I can confidently take the next step in my career knowing my advisers have helped me choose the right path.
David Ross, PGA Golf Management
College of Health and Human Development Vision and Mission Statements for Advising
- Vision Statement
The College of Health and Human Development Academic Advising community fosters student life-long learning practices and success by creating an inclusive learning environment that addresses evolving student academic needs.
- Mission Statement
The mission of the College of Health and Human Development Academic Advising community is to provide safe spaces for students to explore academic strengths and goals. This mission includes guiding students to develop practices for achieving academic success, teaching students to utilize the full range of university resources and encouraging students to engage in academic and co-curricular communities. By collaborating with students to build relationships honoring students' unique stories, advisers empower students to take ownership of their educational experience and to embrace civic responsibility.

Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management
The Pennsylvania State University
801 Ford Building
University Park, PA 16802
fax: 814-867-1751