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Nutritional Sciences
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Supporting courses and related areas allow flexibility to meet your educational and career goals. In general, courses that cover topics that relate to Nutritional Sciences may be considered for a supporting course.

Here are a few key points to remember about supporting courses:

  • Students must get adviser approval before the course will be allowed as a supporting course on their Academic Requirements Report.
  • Any NUTR course numbered with 101 or higher that is not required to meet the major degree requirements can be a supporting course. An exception is NUTR 119, which is a course for non-NUTR majors, and may not be used as a supporting course.
  • Only 3 (three) credits of NUTR 496 may count towards supporting courses and related areas.
  • For the “Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry” option
    • 3 (three) credits may be substituted with credits earned through ROTC.
    • 3 (three) credits must cover the topic of “Ethics.”
  • For the “Behavioral Nutrition and Public Health” option and the “Nutrition and Dietetics” option
    • 3 (three) credits may be substituted with credits earned through ROTC.


Below is a list of lower-division Supporting Courses/University Wide Offerings to help get you started:

ACCTG 211 Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making

AGBM 101 Economic Principles of Agribusiness Decision Making

AGBM 102 Economics of the Food System

AGBM 170Z Investigating the U.S. Food System: How food moves from field to table

AGECO 134N Sustainable Agriculture Science and Policy

AFAM 302 (BBH 302) Diversity and Health

AFR 305 (BBH 305) Introduction to Global Health Issues

AMST 106N (COMM 100N) The Mass Media and Society

ANTH 45N Cultural Diversity: A Global Perspective

BBH 101 Introduction to Biobehavioral Health

BBH 143 Drugs, Behavior, and Health

BBH 203 (PSYCH 260) Neurological Basis of Human Behavior

BBH 302 (AFAM 302) Diversity and Health

BBH 305 (AFR 305) Introduction to Global Health Issues

BBH 316 Foundations and Principles of Health Promotion

BIOL 110 Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity

BIOL 133 Genetics and Evolution of the Human Species

BIOL 222 Genetics

BIOL 230W Biology: Molecules and Cells

BIOL 240W Biology: Function and Development of Organisms

CAS 203 Interpersonal Communication

CED 152 Community Development Concepts and Practice

CED 230 Development Issues in the Global Context

COMM 100N (AMST 106N) The Mass Media and Society

COMM 320 Introduction to Advertising

COMM 370 Public Relations

EDPSY 10 Individual Differences and Education

EDPSY 14 Learning and Instruction

FIN 100 Introduction to Finance

FOR 201 Global Change and Ecosystems

GEOG 20 Human Geography: An Introduction

GEOG 30N Environment and Society in a Changing World

GEOG 123 Geography of Developing Worlds

GEOG 124 Elements of Cultural Geography

GEOG 126 Economic Geography

HDFS 210Z Ethnicity, Health and Aging

HIST 116N (WMNST 116N) Family and Gender Roles in Modern History

HPA 101 Introduction to Health Services Organizations

HM 201 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry

HM 202 Colloquium in Hospitality Management

HPA 301W Health Services Policy Issues

INTAG 100N Everyone Eats: Hunger, Food Security & Global Agriculture

KINES 100 The Cultural and Behavioral Foundations of Kinesiology

KINES 101 The Biophysical Foundations of Kinesiology

LHR 100 Exploring Work and Employment

PSYCH 212 Introduction to Developmental Psychology

PSYCH 221 Introduction to Social Psychology

PSYCH 260 (BBH 203) Neurological Basis of Human Behavior

PSYCH 270 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology

PSYCH 301W Basic Research Methods in Psychology

RHS 100 Introduction to Disability Culture

RSOC 11 Introductory Rural Sociology

SOC 1 Introductory Sociology

SOC 3 Introductory Social Psychology

SOC 23 Population and Policy Issues

SOC 30 Sociology of the Family

SOC 110 (WMNST 110) Sociology of Gender

SOC 210Z Social Determinants of Health

SOC 211Z Health Inequalities: Understanding the Geographies of Life and Death

SOILS 71 Environmental Sustainability

SOILS 101 Introductory Soil Science

SPAN 100 Intermediate Grammar and Composition

SPAN 100A Intermediate Grammar and Composition for Spanish Bilinguals

SPAN 100B Intermediate Grammar and Composition for Students in Medical-Related Fields

SPAN 100C Intermediate Grammar and Composition for Students in Communication-related Fields

WMNST 110 (SOC 110) Sociology of Gender

WMNST 116N (HIST 116N) Family and Gender Roles in Modern History

Below is a list of 400-level courses that can be taken to satisfy the “400-level University Wide Offerings” requirement.

AEE 400 Global Agricultural Education

AEE 440 Communication Methods and Media

AG 400 Biometry/Statistics in the Life Sciences

BBH 432 Biobehavioral Aspects of Stress

BBH 446 Human Sexuality as a Health Concern

BBH 451 Pharmacological Influences on Health

BBH 452 (NURS 452/WMNST 452) Women’s Health Issues

FDSC 404 Sensory Data Collection & Analysis

FDSC 407 Food Toxins

HM 413 New Product Development for Commercial Food Service

HM 430 Advanced Food Production and Service Management

NURS 401 Concepts of Health

NURS 452 (BBH 452/WMNST 452) Women’s Health Issues

NURS 464 Dying and Death

WMNST 452 (BBH 452/NURS 452) Women’s Health Issues

If you are in the Nutritional Physiology and Biochemistry option, the courses below can be taken to satisfy the “Ethics” requirement.

BIOET 100 (PHIL 132) Bioethics

BBH 301W Values and Ethics in Biobehavioral Health Research and Practice

BIOET 401Q Science, Ethics, Policy, and Law

PHIL 103 Ethics

PHIL 119 Ethical Leadership

PHIL 123 Media Ethics

PHIL 132 (BIOET 100) Bioethics

PHIL 432 (STS 432) Medical and Health Care Ethics

RLST 131 Introduction to Bioethics

STS 432 (PHIL 432) Medical and Health Care Ethics

Consultation with an adviser is encouraged! Contact Nicole Hastings ( to request approval for a course or courses you would like to have considered to be counted toward the Supporting Courses requirement.