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Nutritional Sciences
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General information about the Scholars program:

The mission of the Schreyer Honors College is to achieve academic excellence with integrity, build a global perspective, and create opportunities for leadership and civic engagement. In short, the Honors College provides opportunities for Penn State scholars to explore their potential for leadership, creativity, and academic excellence. The distinction of graduating with honors from Penn State is only awarded to our scholars, and the distinction of being a Penn State scholar will open doors for you during your remaining time here, as well as when you pursue future career goals.

Program Activities

  • First-year and sophomore students focus mainly on general education. All first-year Schreyer Scholars entering from high school receive an Academic Excellence Scholarship of $3,500 per year, renewable for a total of eight semesters, pending good academic standing and fulfillment of all requirements of the Schreyer Honors College. In addition to scholarships, many scholars receive merit awards from their academic colleges at Penn State.
  • Junior and senior year students focus on their major, with independent study-research leading to an honors thesis and an honors degree. An academic honors adviser within the department will assist students with long-range academic planning of studies tailored to individual goals and accomplishments. A thesis adviser will guide your thesis work.
  • Opportunities exist for honors foreign study and for integrating undergraduate and graduate study. A residential program, including seminars with visiting scholars, artists, and persons in public life, is organized by Schreyer Scholar assistants both on and off campus. Atherton and Simmons Halls provide living-learning residential communities for interested scholars.


High School Seniors

Entering freshmen must apply for program membership. First-year student candidates are expected to have excellent SAT scores and high school grades and a strong motivation for honors education.

Gateway Entry

During a student's sophomore year, he/she may be invited to enter the Schreyer Honors College by faculty members within his/her major. Students can learn more by speaking with the department's honors advisers.

Requirements for Continued Participation

To remain in the Schreyer Honors College, students must take at least three honors courses per year and file annual plans of study. Students admitted to the SHC fall 2009 or after must maintain a semester grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.4 and a cumulative GPA of at least 3.4. (Students admitted to the SHC prior to fall 2009 must maintain semester and cumulative GPAs of at least 3.33.)

Information for Nutritional Sciences Scholars

Honors Advisers

More information about the program within the Department of Nutritional Sciences can be obtained from either of these academic honors advisers:

Alison Gernand, PhD, MPH, RD
Nutrition Schreyer Honors College Adviser
The Pennsylvania State University
224 Chandlee
University Park, PA 16802-2901
Phone: 814-867-4752