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GTRC Seminar

The research we engage in at the GTRC directly informs the education we provide to our Golf Management students, Biomechanics students, and the golf industry at large.

Some of our educational offerings include:

Biomechanics of Golf icon-olus-circle

This course is designed to introduce golf instructors and coaches to 3D analysis of the golf swing and how it can be used as an instructional tool. Our goal is to provide our participants with a better understanding of both the actual mechanics of the golf swing, as well as how it can be applied to golf instruction to enhance communication between the golfer and instructor.

We offer three ways to fully access and interact with this content:

  1. As a requirement in the PGA of America’s Certified Professional education program in Teaching and Coaching
  2. Online
  3. On Campus for resident instruction
PGA Golf Management Teaching and Coaching classes – Levels 1-3 icon-olus-circle

Students in the Golf Management program complete three levels of golf instruction and coaching classes. These classes present the material from the PGA of America’s member education program.

PGA Golf Management Player Development and Advanced Player Development icon-olus-circle

One of the primary goals of the GTRC is to help enable every one of our Golf Management students to be the best player she/he can possibly be. We strive to offer them every opportunity to excel through the use of our first-class facilities, access to our renowned faculty, and consistent participation in our offerings of Player Development and Advanced Player Development. These programs include semester-long instruction and coaching by six PGA Professionals, at a maximum student to instructor ratio of 8 to 1.