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Meetings and Event Management Certificate - Program Details

Completing the Meetings and Events Management Certificate
The Meetings and Events Management Certificate (MEMC) may be pursued in combination with a bachelor’s degree. It will be open to all Penn State students in residence, regardless of major. The certificate will be awarded upon completion of 15 credits, including 9 core course credits and 6 additional supplemental credits in Hospitality Management (HM) and/or RPTM. Students enrolled in this program must obtain a cumulative GPA of 2.50 for the 15 credits to be awarded the MEMC upon graduation.
Both HM and RPTM students should meet with their academic advisers prior to enrolling in the MEMC to determine how the courses can be counted towards their degree requirements. Students pursuing degrees other than HM or RPTM should consult with their academic adviser, to determine which of the required or supplemental courses for the MEMC can be counted towards their degree requirements.
- Core Courses
The MEMC requires three core courses (9 credits):
- HM 384 — Intro Meeting and Event Management (3 credits)
- Students may substitute RPTM 397 Experience Design and Event Management for HM 384 with approval from the MEMC RPTM or HM adviser.
- RPTM 395 — Experiential Learning in Meeting and Event Management (3 credits) - OR - HM495 — Internship in Meeting and Event Management (3 credits)
- HM 485 — Advanced Meeting and Event Management (3 credits) - OR - RPTM 456 — Programming in Recreation and Parks (3 credits)*
Pre-requisite: HM 384 — Meetings and Events
- Supplemental Courses
The MEMC requires two supplemental courses (6 credits) listed below that were not taken as part of the core nine credit requirements:
- HM 201 — Intro to Management in the Hospitality Industry
- HM 271 — Intro to Hospitality Technology
- HM 442 — Hospitality Marketing
- HM 455 — Convention Management
- HM 484 — Hospitality Entrepreneurship
- HM 485 — Advanced Meeting and Event Management*
- HM 497C — Social Media Marketing
- RPTM 300Y — Tourism and Leisure Behavior
- RPTM 334 — Nonprofit Recreation Agency Operations
- RPTM 370 — Intro to Arena Management
- RPTM 410 — Marketing of Recreation Services
- RPTM 415 — Commercial Recreation Management
- RPTM 456 — Programming in Rec and Parks*
- RPTM 497 — Advanced Arena Management
- Contacts
Students outside of RPTM and HM
All other students may contact and work through advisers in either Hospitality Management or Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management to review which pathway may best align with academic and career goals. Students must also work with their own academic adviser from their home college or department to determine if courses satisfy degree program requirements.