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Prerequisite Override Request
Course Prerequisites and Prerequisite Overrides
The “Enforced Prerequisites” policy requires students to complete the prerequisite, concurrent or corequisite course requirement(s) PRIOR to course enrollment via LionPATH. Students cannot enroll in courses for which they have not completed required prerequisite(s) without special approval. Course prerequisites exist to support student success in higher level courses. Review the Penn State Policy here.
Enforced Prerequisites for Kinesiology courses are posted below each course description in the University Bulletin.
If LionPATH blocks a student from enrolling in a course due to incomplete prerequisites at the time of their enrollment appointment date, the student may request a “Prerequisite Override” request through LionPATH. Instruction for “Requesting a Prerequisite Override can be found here
If a student requests a Prerequisite Override request, written “justification” is required for the request (e.g., evidence of mastery of the learning required for requested course, unpreventable time to degree completion issue, etc.).
Any student requesting a Prerequisite Override request must follow the University’s Prerequisite Override procedures by submitting their request via LionPATH. This process also applies to students who have taken, or are currently completing, transfer courses at another institution.
Students completing direct equivalent transfer credits (PSU Transfer Tool) to fulfill an enforced prerequisite must include documentation of their course registration and, if/when completed, proof of a passing grade. If one course requires multiple prerequisites, the student should upload their current PSU degree audit (Academic Requirement report) as a supporting document to show successful completion of all relevant coursework.
The Kinesiology faculty responsible for the requested course will approve or deny student override request submissions. Please DO NOT contact the instructor of the course for a Prerequisite Override. If the department approves your Prerequisite Override request, you will receive an email communication instructing you to enroll yourself in the course. You will also receive an email notice if your request is denied.
Requests will be processed as quickly as possible; you may receive a response within 2-6 business days.