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Kinesiology offers a comprehensive program of study in the scientific, social, and cultural understandings of human movement and is designed for students who want to prepare for professions involving physical activity and for graduate study in related areas. The Department of Kinesiology at University Park offers a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Movement Science Option and Applied Exercise and Health Option). A core curriculum provides students in each of the areas with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge of physical activity.



Student Learning Report 2016-2017

2016-2017 Enrollment and Graduation Data icon-olus-circle


  • 593 full-time students were enrolled in the Kinesiology Major, of these:

    • 142 were Kinesiology pre-majors with no option declared

    • 385 were in the Movement Science Option

    • 19 were in the Fitness Studies Option

    • 7 were in the Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Option (PHETE)

  • We also had 40 full-time students in the Athletic Training Major

  • *The Applied Exercise and Health Option started accepting students in Fall 2016 and enrollment numbers were not available.


  • A total of 283 students graduated from Kinesiology:

    • 211 in Movement Science

    • 38 in Fitness Studies

    • 8 in Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Option

    • 26 with an Athletic Training major

  • An additional 28 students graduated with a Kinesiology minor

2016-2017 Assessment of Student Learning icon-olus-circle

Summary of the key learning outcomes:

  • For internship supervisor evaluations, we met our benchmark of 90% of supervisors evaluating our students as “excellent” or “good” on 93% of the personal and professional skills (e.g., decision making, persistence to complete tasks, demonstrate ability to synthesize information and communicate it effectively, interacts well with staff and clientele)

  • For student internship knowledge and skill evaluations, we met our benchmark of 90% of students providing evaluations as “excellent” or “good” on 93% of the knowledge and skill items (e.g., understand and apply ethical principles in professional practice, complete internship learning objectives)

  • For student internship placement evaluations, we met our benchmark of 90% of students providing evaluations as “excellent” or “good” on 100% of the items (e.g., internship was a valuable resource for learning support and guidance, internship was helpful in teaching knowledge of the profession)

  • From the student exit surveys, 50-85% of students described themselves as “excellent” or “good” at developing knowledge about specific areas of Kinesiology (e.g., types of joints in the body; understand the fundamentals of exercise metabolism, adaptations to exercise and effects on heath and disease; apply psychological skills to modify human behavior and/or performance) as well as other skills and abilities (e.g., work independently, understand human movement from scientific, socio-cultural, and philosophical perspectives, write and speak effectively) as a result of the Kinesiology program